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- User Since
- Aug 15 2013, 9:01 PM (606 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
from what I understand site modules cannot overlap try that.
Same thing here.
I have noticed Stratis is also taking a little longer to load the texture on the in-game map, Both SP and MP.(maybe only 2-3 secs). Not as long as Altis, but this was never an issue before Altis was released.
Still a issue here, ive added a screenshot of stratis island ingame while in a boat the textures are not loading in game, Aswell as the map. and a white background is clearly visible. This happens alway's, Once the maps texture is loaded then the white disappears. sometimes the texture disappears and I need to view the map in game for it to reload the texture again.
Correct Code in Condition Field is "spotter1 in thislist || spotter2 in thislist;"
"in thislist;" must accompany Each Unit's Name.
Sadly..... turning off v-sync will give you a FPS Bump in the right direction. If you can stand the tearing.
I think that if you want people to fear being killed then they should have some Hard-core PVP Server options where if you die, then no re-spawn. also no 3rd person views and Less accurate weapon handling. so I guess its up to the server host. I do agree also that there should be a suppression response from the AI they should run and look for cover with a quicker response time for locating cover and actually hide behind things when being shot at not just turn an shoot back. But again as for PVP join or host a server without re-spawn and without 3rd person viewing options.
I have the same issue every building i get close to,which is crazy as they are a big part of cover for players, even worse on stairs. So this is Still happening, kills the campaign as even AI can shoot through the walls of buildings. I think this should be a major item worked on well before any Zeus items. I am playing the so called stable version 1.12
My specs:
Windows 7 x64
Amd phenom II x4 920
sapphire HD 5850 (beta dirver 14.2)
4G Memory
500G HDD
May 9 2016
In picture 00003.jpg you can clearly see I am even under the water not in between.
I watch them walk through everything as well, Rocks along the beach especially. Any guards in the towers usually just walk through the side and fall to the ground then keep walking. this definitely needs to be fixed.