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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 9:43 AM (585 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Crouched is definitely way too slow as is raised weaponry. Sure being that slow when crouched adds a stealth vibe but it completely removes any sense of immersion or authenticity when the fastest you're able to go whilst crouched is barely a fast walk.
The weapon raised is ridiculous as well, moving at that speed with a weapon raised irl is a bloody good way to get shot. The combat pace in A3, had it done alright and considering they're borrowing the sway from their I don't see why they shouldn't borrow the combat pace speed.
Updated to include reproduction steps.
I've had this happen a few times. It appears to be a server bug where the second server doesn't load the character from the hive correctly. Report the server so it can be fixed. Usually changing to another server brings your other character back
There has been extensive discussions regarding this. Currently we're unaware of what the developers plan to do. But there is much speculation regarding some sort of loot despawn mechanic for people who log inside buildings.
Johnny, this is a feedback tracker. There is nothing stated displaying it's only for bug reports.
Keep your false claims to the forums
The Smart Ass
I believe having the player stop when their weapon is raised is an intentional mechanic.
It also appears to be random. Majority of the time I will have to double tap a hotbar key to get the item out whilst rarely the item emerges on the first press.
That is currently how it works apparently.
According to the subreddit a "WoW" Style timer is planned on being implemented whereas the character sits down and it takes anywhere up to a minute to log out. Sounds like a solid plan if you ask me.
I am not. Fortunately I died before the wipe and spawned after. Killed myself anyway, still getting issue
It has everything to do with disconnecting. Currently the only way to respawn is via disconnecting and this causes the body to disappear. Rocket mentioned he fixed the respawn and disappearing thing however I'm not entirely sure he did everything needed. From what I read it sounded as though when you log you're body goes to. It needs to stay whether you respawn or disconnect.