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Perfect Health, No damage inflicted and no enemies nearby. Re-Entered a different server and lost 'Everything' --.--
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My mate and I noticed that the server we were in was about to restart so we left and joined another one. My items all disappeared and I re-spawned somewhere else. My mates character remained intact but not mine.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Stay until the server shows an indication that it will restart soon
  • Leave the server and join another one
Additional Information

This was a random issue that 'also' happened to me 3 weeks ago.
It's the second time now.

Event Timeline

Illuminum edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jan 3 2014, 9:32 AM
Illuminum edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Illuminum set Category to category:characters.
Illuminum set Reproducibility to Random.
Illuminum set Severity to None.
Illuminum set Resolution to Open.
Illuminum set Legacy ID to 3000464277.May 8 2016, 3:55 PM

I've had this happen a few times. It appears to be a server bug where the second server doesn't load the character from the hive correctly. Report the server so it can be fixed. Usually changing to another server brings your other character back