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- User Since
- May 26 2014, 12:41 AM (564 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
confirmed took like 10 minutes of dancing around the fire...tried moving away and back towards it to the the "I'm warming up message" and finally i quit shaking when looking down sites.
May 10 2016
Category should be Item or Server...Severity should be crash.
Might get attention faster if you log/file it under the correct category..
Just saying.
Voted up anyway.
can confirm this is also on regular mode.
you may want to edit...don't think this is categorized by glitch abuse...this would be general or character category.
Severity would be minor-tweak even trivial
Bump...happened to me at the same pond Location: (Chernaya Polana)
I just kept hitting buttons and trying to move until it finally worked and I got out of there...Now i only drink from the dock..good luck
see related to link..something else entirely is going on..
use a morphine or splint=(find 1xstick on the ground in a wooded area and combine with 1xrag)
Why you think that pressing 3 buttons which are binded to "hold breath" will solve a problem? Because it does....worked a week ago...just tested it again...
"Binding several key to add multiple holding breath effect is not the solution and it's very close to a glitch exploit."
-Binding one button to hold breath and have it work would be great...Maybe I'll report that Later today. As for an exploit...hahaha good joke..
Remember it's alpha....and the game is suppose to be somewhat realistic..granted there are the above linked video the sway is minimal.. it doesn't need to be fixed....Hold breath does..
you have to set mutiple hold breathe key at least three....hold sec mouse+lft ctrl+spacebar..or whatever works for you...i know it's a work around though..
the above video shows...NORMAL SWAY....Set your Hold Breathe Keybinds.....if you are experiencing any more sway than that you need to stick|splint/or morphine yourself...even if you are Hydrated,Healthy,and Energized. as said above....massive sway is from an broken bone or fracture not showing up on the debuff panel......that little bit of sway can be fixed by binding a few keys to hold breathe.
Good thing they put in the stack-able sticks and stick gathering.
Splint worked for me...there is still a small amount of sway when zoomed in...easily steadied realistically by setting 3 key binds to hold breath.
(Hold Sec Mousebutton)-also zoom in
(left Ctrl)-also Move Head but no effect when zoomed in
(Space Bar)-also Toggle raise weapon but no effect when zoomed in
75 Drum Mag Disappears when you press R to reload and switch to a 30rd mag...
I experienced this at the stream south west of Novo yesterday.
This is related or maybe duplicate to "Rapid Vertical Movement in rare cases results in falling damage." Thank you seems to be worse than before. .50 3rd person stable
vote up bump.
My squad and I experience this on Ops.
Regular server .46
Yeah confirmed. This "Rapid Vertical Movement" stuff is real bad. Voted Up. Until this is fixed I'm using the buddy system...It's Alpha but still it's frustrating to die to things like this when the game is getting farther along.
This spawn location was also in the original Mod as a rare spawn point. so....yeah I believe it's intended.
close this due to duplicate @ 0000153