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Jan 31 2014, 12:03 AM (579 w, 3 d)

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May 11 2016

CrashBoomK added a comment to T111110: Crafting Items disappear.

This happens with any item that you craft. Including Guns. An easy example is to take the Trombone have it in your pack and already have another rifle in the slot such as a winchester. Then Assemble the Trombone and it will just completely disappear. Another way to do this is the reverse. Have a Trombone in hand with not enough space for it in your inventory and it will simply disappear completely.

In addition I know it happens with Sawing off the IZH8 as well. Not to mention other crafted items such as improvised backpacks etc.

May 11 2016, 5:42 AM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T108590: .54 Stable Natural Water Pouches are consumed when filling cookpots from them..
May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T108588: .22 Ammo seems to have the super sonic crack with or without silencers especially the Amphibia S on .54 Stable.
May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
CrashBoomK added a comment to T108579: Fishing Hook turns into Bone Fishing Hook.


May 11 2016, 4:16 AM · DayZ
CrashBoomK added a comment to T108521: Urgent!: Liquid system is broken, messes with stomach. Drinking from Ponds and Wells, aswell as refilable containers....

While he's got a good point here I can add some additional information.

It seems that it's not just Drinking directly from Pond/Well but also using the Water Bottle and Canteen. I experienced it most notably when using the "Drink All" Function. I gained only a little hydration compared to the amount that it seemed to think it filled up my stomach.

A direct example of the hydration to fullness would be this. It seems to fill my stomach just like it should if I "Drink All" the whole canteen at once but it only provides the hydration level of one "Drink" not a hydration level of "Drink All"

In addition I should note that Natural Water Pouches crafted from Tanned Leather seem to work fine but I'd need more testing to verify for sure, but I think I get full hydration from "Drink All" with those unlike with the other containers.

May 11 2016, 4:14 AM · DayZ
CrashBoomK added a comment to T107556: Fish cannot be cooked in campfire\stove.

I wanted to add that on Stable this is still the case and that it won't cook with a Gas Stove either. Incase that requires an additional fix since the stove is different from the fire.

May 11 2016, 3:40 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T97148: Magazine Duplication/Reloading Mags while in Weapon.
May 10 2016, 9:29 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T96507: Auto Movement in Crouched Walk when making Quick turns.
May 10 2016, 9:06 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T96506: Can't Fast Walk Forward in Crouch with Fire Axe Raised..
May 10 2016, 9:06 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T96505: Ammo Cans will no longer accept Boxed Ammo.
May 10 2016, 9:06 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK edited Steps To Reproduce on T94653: Degraded Performance with Latest Experimental Patch 34.115077.
May 10 2016, 8:01 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK added a comment to T94628: Cannot load material file \dz\weapons\firearms\b95\data\b95.rvmat.

I've also gotten the error message several times. I'm not sure if it's the gun itself that is causing the error or the speedloader for it as after I ditched the gun I kept the loader and still had the issue on login.

May 10 2016, 8:00 PM · DayZ
CrashBoomK added a comment to T94550: Item slots in inventory unusable..

I've had the same problem though dropping and requipping the item didn't resolve the issue for me. Also relogging didn't fix it for me either. I'll try both again next time though just to be sure.

May 10 2016, 7:57 PM · DayZ