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Chimere (Tom Louze)


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User Since
Feb 20 2023, 3:34 PM (109 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Tue, Mar 4

Chimere added a comment to T189290: [SERVER CRASH] Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff72f24e1b4 at 0xffffffffffffffff.

Seems to be something else other than just airdrops causing this.

At this point, if airdrops are disabled, both my servers run normally. I've been trying different things on both servers when players aren't on in order to cause a crash, but just not having any luck.

The randomization is making it difficult to nail down a culprit.

I'll continue to follow this thread and if I can find a way to cause a crash without airdrops I'll report back.


The problem I am currently facing is very strange. When the server is just started, joining the server will not cause any problems. After waiting for the server to run for a period of time, joining the server will cause the server to crash. During the server's operation, there are no other players, and the server can run for more than 10 hours without anyone else. Only when I enter, it crashes immediately

Tue, Mar 4, 7:00 PM · DayZ

Oct 20 2024

Chimere added a comment to T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.

Sakhal on hosted server 0 players, 2 hours from last restart:

21:53:19.301 Average server FPS: 132.94 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:22.261 Players: 0 in total
21:53:24.377 Average server FPS: 10.44 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:29.571 Average server FPS: 19.64 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:32.306 Players: 0 in total
21:53:34.594 Average server FPS: 149.11 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:39.603 Average server FPS: 276.45 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:42.388 Players: 0 in total
21:53:44.609 Average server FPS: 231.72 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:49.692 Average server FPS: 450.91 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:52.401 Players: 0 in total
21:53:54.696 Average server FPS: 40.58 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:53:58.493 Used memory: 2323768 KB
21:53:59.750 Average server FPS: 27.70 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:02.407 Players: 0 in total
21:54:04.803 Average server FPS: 70.67 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:09.803 Average server FPS: 328.33 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:12.407 Players: 0 in total
21:54:14.812 Average server FPS: 275.10 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:19.852 Average server FPS: 281.35 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:22.487 Players: 0 in total
21:54:24.862 Average server FPS: 296.87 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:30.87 Average server FPS: 70.23 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:32.493 Players: 0 in total
21:54:35.88 Average server FPS: 90.16 (measured interval: 5 s)
21:54:40.150 Average server FPS: 77.06 (measured interval: 5 s)
Oct 20 2024, 10:05 PM · DayZ

Oct 19 2024

Chimere added a comment to T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.

Vanilla servers shows a bit less fps than Chernarus/Livonia, most likely it's due to insane amount of object on the map, and keep in mind that vanilla consider to be lightest possible, add custom (mostly not optimized) mods to community server, one on top of another... If Livonia/Cherno could forgive that, I doubt Sakhal will. But this is only my thoughts, may be that the issue is elswhere

Oct 19 2024, 5:56 PM · DayZ

Oct 18 2024

Chimere added a comment to T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.

did you try to set power settings to max power? some times it really helps in windows ;)

Oct 18 2024, 11:26 PM · DayZ
Chimere added a comment to T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.

Right now only 1 player online - Host Havoc server:

Oct 18 2024, 8:03 PM · DayZ

Oct 17 2024

Chimere added a comment to T185470: Central Economy issues since 1.26.

Forgot to mention that this is an issue with our Chernarus server. We are running almost a stock types file (at least with no min/nominal edits) Sakhal server using the files that came with the update - nobody has reported any loot rarity issues.

After some further testing on Chernarus, with restock set to 60, it was spawning less items than 0 restock, however still spawning much much higher than nominal values. With restock set to 300 seconds, it is not as bad, but we still have around a 300-400% increase over nominal values for some items.

Oct 17 2024, 11:58 PM · DayZ
Chimere updated the task description for T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.
Oct 17 2024, 11:53 PM · DayZ
Chimere created T185488: Community server - Sakhal very poor server FPS.
Oct 17 2024, 11:48 PM · DayZ

Sep 3 2023

Chimere created T175152: rvmat - hiddenSelectionsMaterials and healthLevels not working properly after 1.22 patch.
Sep 3 2023, 12:08 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Feb 20 2023

Chimere added a comment to T170452: Humvee has false gearing issue causing lock ups and making the car not move sometimes.

Hello there!

Feb 20 2023, 3:38 PM · DayZ
Chimere added a comment to T170435: Vehicles.

Wrong, engine has proper power - i can ride up on any hill what i want. Real reason of the problem is that automatic-trans. isnt working properly, it auto-shift gears up, but it cant down shift, so you have to manualy down shift. It looks like engine doesnt have enough power, cause when you slow down from higher speeds (gear stays on 4th for example) its like trying to move vehicle from 0km/h on 4th gear.

Feb 20 2023, 3:38 PM · DayZ