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- User Since
- Jan 14 2014, 12:05 AM (581 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I'm not liking that I have to walk up a small hill, if you can even consider it walking.. but the zombie can leap/sprint behind me hitting me all the way up
I don't see this as a bug but I would love this as well.
I like the idea of players finally needing a reason to team up. I dont think it's the amount of zombies that's the problem. If you ask me zombies should be more than just swatting a fly away. Once they play with the respawn mechanics it will get much better.. Just be patient
You absolutely cannot get around this be it crouch/prone/standing
Confirmed. Added a screenshot of what keeps popping up for me
Is it duplicating the item? If it is just fitting in the first aid kit.. I'm pretty sure you could do that in real life if you really wanted
I would prefer the option to mark the maps you find with the pen
They could add a shoulder strap and make it a very rare item to find
I like the idea of night being pitch black... However, I do get a headache from playing on what feels like a microscopic screen from the small flashlight radius
I don't know about 30%...people could like the one guy said sprint through and grab without seeing anything. . I like the idea of hidden loot.. however.. loot in sight you can't get is equally irritating