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- User Since
- Jan 16 2014, 1:27 AM (583 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Quite possible, but that doesn't solve my problem. Every time I connect to a server, I spawn under water, I die, and then I can't Respawn. So... Yeah, that needs some serious fixing, because basically: I can't play the game now...
Oowww sorry about that but saw other ideas throughout as well so thought it was OK. Neways, possible to move topic to the right place?
New version of Michael Jackson?
Encounter the same problem often.
Often the daytime servers work pretty well but I can't open doors not pick up or use cans or things like that.
The night servers usually do work, but then again I can't see a bloody thing and the daytime does not seem to change, so everything is in pitchblack darkness, and with a flashlight its quite hard to kill a zombie.
Sounds like a great idea, and it'll probably freak people out that like to kill the new spawna.
Downside that I see in this idea: What happens when someone starts trying to kill you, you get lucky and kill the other person (while he was the first one shooting at you), would YOU get into guilt mode? Because you killed a man, but he attacked you first... Doesn't seem fair to me.
But, if possible, awesome idea and like the freaking out stuff!!
I think it's going to be a bit too much.
Now I understand quite well what you mean, and think it's a pretty cool idea, especially for the "newbies" such as myself who do not have a lot of experience with online games at all. It is quite annoying that there's some fcktard on a roof sniping the shit out of you 5seconds after you spawned. I, too, am not a real fan of this (although I think that in the finished version there'll be more like a tutorial, maybe safe zones(?)) but then again, it is a survival game.
You are, obviously just like me, the kind of person that actually goes for the zombies instead of the other survivors, and I respect that.
But, you also have to admit there is also the "survival of the fittest" and some people need to show that by killing of other people, whether in full war gear or just underpants and handcuffs.
Then again, I think you should also see it like this, eventhough it can be annoying that people keep sniping your ass from some faraway hiding place:
- If, for example, you let me live and help me out, the next time I see you and you're in trouble I am likely to help you too in some way (killing the zombie attacking you, something like that)
- If you come across a person that's sniped you for no reason and that person is being attacked, you'll probably be more likely to help the zombie and hit the bastard over the head with a shovel before finishing off the zombie.
- OR, you're the bigger man and, even though the twit sniped you in the balls 10 minutes ago, you come to his rescue.
It's all about the choices you make. In some way, you'll have to survive. Good or bad, it's what you choose.
If you can get some friends together and defend a house or small town while a horde of zombies is attacking you and the evil sniper is now pissing his undies, what will you do?
A. Fuck him, he shot me in the balls so let him be eaten by zombies.
B. He can come into the town, he is, after all, a human. Not a zombie.
C. You shoot him so he won't feel it when he gets eaten by the zombies.
D. He can come into town if he helps defending it.
E. He can come into town if he lays down his weapons and you handcuff him.
Exactly! That'd make it so much more realistic (no worries I'm quite aware that it's still in Alpha testing so it'll take a while)
And, this may be a bit too much but thought of it last night: As there are so many chairs just standing/lying around, why not be able to move them and throw them against the door to block it off?
That may be possible, yes. But in that case, I broke my leg after stepping off the ladder and in the railing.
Cool idea, seems "realistic" to me that if you get killed by a zombie, your character (+ your clothing, but no loot) will turn into a zombie.
Also maybe an idea that I saw in Age of Wushu Online: When your character is offline, your character becomes an NPC! In AoWo this meant your character would become someone like a guard (that could be kidnapped).
Maybe possible here as well, that your character becomes a random NPC, a survivor, that can be saved by an online character for a mission, or maybe just cool for the realistic experience that offline characters become survivors that are being eaten by the zombies when an online player is in the vicinity!!