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- User Since
- Aug 14 2023, 9:15 AM (84 w, 3 d)
Dec 6 2023
We are experiencing this problem too, so after server reboot. We started noticing it after the update on 1.23 and we did not make any changes. Only update to 1.23
Nov 13 2023
me too, the same problem. get with 1.23
Hello, what do you mean, sir?
Like if you run through the trap, it activates and if you walk slow, it doesn't? Is that on purpose?
Nov 12 2023
Nov 10 2023
Hello, we are also experiencing this error, it's not always the case for everyone, but a lot of players report that after restarting the server, they get this error and have to restart Steam and sometimes the PC.
Oct 28 2023
Hello, i send you reguest for friend, solved for me, when i deleted mods with bad animation registration on playerbase.
Sep 26 2023
We found that if you put down the TripWire trap and insert the grenade, nothing happens. We did a test and ran the server with no mod at all, only vanilla and the trap doesn't work either.
It doesn't even log, we found out that it's from the update to 1.22 (29.08.2023)
Sep 25 2023
Hello, we did a test, we ran a vanilla clean server and the grenade traps don't really work.
Sep 14 2023
Thank you very much sir, it's my mod so I've fixed it as follows (see below) and I'll keep track of the changes.
Anyway, we have had the mod on serever for half a year now and it has never been a problem.
Whether this will help the crashes or not, thanks for the message.
Have a nice day.
Sep 13 2023
So is this some function or code in some mod and crashes the server when it runs this function?
I understand you don't have more information and thank you for that information as well, but we just need to know what HeadingModel is, if it is code in some mod that we could look for, or what it actually is.
Thank you for your time.
thank you for trying to find some leads.
Is it possible to at least give us a little more information about HeadingModel?
If it changed after the update to 1.22 or 1.22 HOTFIX 1 ?
Or something a little more specific so we know which mod to focus on, roughly what to remove, or who to contact next?
Any clue as to what HeadingModel is in charge of, or what it handles, anything we can pick up on further.
Thank you so much for helping me, we are really helpless.
Here I send all .mdmp from all crashes.
Sep 12 2023
Hello, I started a new topic because I don't know if it's the same problem and I don't want to spam it here:
Sep 11 2023
Hello, our server also crashes after about 3-4 hours of running, it's from 1.22, respectively the first problems started to appear more after hotfix 1.
The server crashes differently. Until the update to 1.22 we had 0 crashes !!!