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- User Since
- Mar 9 2013, 11:19 AM (625 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Great ticket, upvoted. Especially since A3 plans on having big enterable buildings!
I agree with Stalker 1: when assigned an order, all smaller rank unit should set that order as a priority over even their life preservation instincts. Would save a lot of fast-forwarding seeing your team twitch and krump while taking cover from one grain of sand to the other...through an area they've just cleared.
There was no NVG, we were civilians with guns.
Also, right after hitting the ground, for a split second the skeleton seems to reset to the vitruvian man stance, as in:
You can test it yourself:
- create a unit in the editor,
- while in-game in the debug console and enter: player setPosATL [2010, 5669, 50]
And as a bonus you'll bounce off the ground. The bouncing seems to happen on flat ground only - tried it on a slope, the unit just crumbled on itself like a wet cookie. The vitruvian man stance still happens though.
This looks like a ticket in itself, but I'm pretty sure it's already submitted.
Also, if you keep shooting at those windows the breaking sound will still play for each shot and the particles show, but the window remains intact.
May 9 2016
Voted up, although I have mixed feelings about it...
It would be OK only if moderately implemented, i.e. only as an optional module, and with some sort of delay on auto-adjusting aim inclination.
While it's an A3-canon logical feature (what with everything becoming more and more computer-assisted/automatised), gameplay-wise this could easily make turrets overpowered by allowing spamming zero-adjust-then-shoot. So I would say definitely not implemented on vanilla vehicles (the Ifrit GMG is already like a fast moving Shilka... AND with thermal vision).
Sounds simple enough to script in though, so why not.
While I wouldn't use it personally since I've got to keep low PIP settings to get a decent framerate in vehicles, I thing it's a nice option for comrades with better GPUs out there.
In the control tower of the Stratis airbase, the windows would not be destroyed either (you still can hear the breaking sound and see some glass debris).
Noticed under video settings set to "Standard", post processing disabled.
I started another issue which is most likely related to yours:
issue#0006423: Cannot use FAKs when not holding a weapon
As I mentioned in your ticket, it could be a nice addition but as a module only, not implemented directly on the turret/vehicle.
Confirmed here (alpha 0.52.103507), with the Ifrit as well.
Zeroing at 1500m shoots exactly as if you were zeroing at 100m.
Edit: posted screenshots for shots with 100m range and "1500m" range.
Mmmh... wouldn't call this a "major" severity issue.
IRL you would remove the attachments you want to keep before removing your weapon, or the attachments would remain, well, attached =)
However, it would be great if the tooltip when hovering the mouse on the weapon would show the name of the attachments already on the weapon, instead of the white indicators that the weapon has such and such "type" of attachment.