Boom! @Esnaker, I got mine working! I might be able to help you out here.
I followed these steps(loosely...):
1)Uninstall all battle eye programs from your computer.
2)Delete the BattlEye folder in your DayZ Game folder.
(try to run the DayZ.exe before continuing, if it does the same thing proceed.)
3)Delete the DayZ_BE.exe
4)Run just the DayZ.exe
5)Try to join a game(should say battleye initialization failed then kick you.)
6)Verify file integrity in steam.
7)Go back to the .exe's and unmark them to run as non-admin.
8)Make sure you have your permissions set to full control(I did authenticated users and "Users", not sure if there's a security risk there.)
9)Try and run the game through steam. If it worked correctly it should just flash a black cmd window and give it a second to start up dayz.
My command window went through a couple of phases. Talking about blocked files like razrsynapse's dll's and stuff. I'm not sure if you'll run into any of that. I also had the Dayz can not write to memory.
I hope I helped! I'm sorry if I didn't. Contact me if you need anything else.
My profile should have my email address. Leave a note if not. Cheers!