Yes this has happened to me multiple times and happened today, weapon jammed it didn't allow me to clear the chamber with triangle. I removed the mag and kept the gun till the fight was over, logged hoping it would be fixed but no. There was a unremovable mag with 0 rounds in it but it allowed me to clear the jam but not reload, I don't want to ditch it and have it work for some bot that comes along. Plus I have 8 mags for it and ammo for all the mags and more
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Aug 21 2019
Aug 16 2019
Hey Cubenflow8, it's hard to say , this could be caused by insufficient internet speed, WiFi connection and depending on what server you play on. Also if your constantly in big towns like novo, churno, electro, servo your gonna experience intense fps drops , render issues, lagging and freezing. I stay way clear of big towns as it seems to create more tent inventory issues. If your in open areas and it persists it could be due to the other factors I mentioned.
Aug 14 2019
Hey XXXKEITHAPE, that or driving slower. During the stream yesterday they said the lag and freezing is due to not being able to generate the environment faster than the movement of the car.
Yeah, this happened 5 times to my buddy, guns broken after this happens. I'm gonna try and reproduce the bug. Did you log with the gun in your hands ? What were u doing before it broke and wouldn't load. Out of my whole team it's happened 5 times to my bud, once to me and once to our other member. It doesn't seem to be a specific weapon either. Ak 74, ump, m4, cr527
Aug 13 2019
Hey check this report and give your feedback.
Palmertait28 ,As for your question. During the stream, they said they are using the feedback we provide and they touched base on some of the questions that the public had asked. They said 1.05 is coming soon and that the feedback we provide will be helping them solve these issues for 1.05. *Fingers crossed* but 1.05 will have they re own set of problems and maybe the same issues.
Same happened to me, after 30 tetracycline pills (over time) it didn't go away. I commit suicide and tried to reproduce. I believe it stays stuck when you spam the pills, best used one at a time till each pill wears off.
I_killed_thisguy, perhaps try logging and trying again. I had the same problem briefly but managed to get it to work. But then again it would seem as though the bugs are different for everyone. Il note it down, thank you
Aug 12 2019
COOKZ , just found out about the car lights today. What a shame. And the zombie gear fix you suggested has yet to work for me. Even just dropping it off the zed.
Aug 11 2019
Consume vitamins, it will make it much less likely to contract. You don't need to consume a whole bottle, only a couple a day.