I suggest to implement a way to disable all color and details randomization on vehicles in the mission, for instance Offroads run "\A3\soft_F\Offroad\scripts\randomize.sqf" script on their initialization which randomly picks texture and removes back door. This feature is very useful, however in more advanced missions, mission designer might want to control all this by himself and having a non-removable initialization script creates additional difficulties and requires special code that will undo all these random changes. The problem will grow bigger and bigger by the time as more vehicles will be introduced into the game and lots of them will probably have similar randomizations. My suggested solution is just a matter of wrapping all color\details randomization code into something like
if(isNil{BIS_disableVehicleRandomization}) then {
//Randomization code here
Any definition of BIS_disableVehicleRandomization somewhere in init line of some logic object we will get rid of said randomization.
I would really prefer to see disabled vehicle color randomization by vehicle classes like suggested in "Additional Information", also it would be better if check would be made on "init" event hander rather than in randomize script itself so it wouldn't even start another script thread with execVM.
C_Offroad_01_F >> EventHandlers:
init = '(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize.sqf"';
change to
init = 'if(({(_this select 0) isKindOf _x} count (missionNamespace getVariable ["BIS_noVehicleRandomization", []])) == 0) then {(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\soft_F\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize.sqf";};';
Also would be great to be able to get rid of random hats for civilians in the same way
Randomization script causes newly joined players to set hat back to randomized one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhUmIEFXlsQ