I have low end system and after some time playing new object models\textures start to take more and more time to load. This is most noticeable when teleporting to new location or respawning, everything around you is low-poly with low LOD textures, game actively loads something from HDD for several seconds, everything remains low-poly for several seconds and then it freezes for few seconds, unfreezes for another second and finally crashes. Sometimes when camera gets back to player (after spectating something) it simply fails to load player textures back and I get same kind of crash (attached screenshot - failed to load uniform\head textures and crashed, crash report files are for this case of crash)
rpt, bidmp, mdmp: http://ws.arma.su/_/textures-fail-to-load-crash.rar
26.04.2013 update
I've made a small repro mission that helps to trigger this crash for me. Attached to the ticket as repro_texturescrash.Stratis.rar, made for singleplayer editor. Crash dump\logs that were triggered in this mission are also attached as repro_mission_crash_logs.rar {F18708} {F18709} {F18710} {F18711} {F18712} {F18713} {F18714} {F18715}