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Dead AI group are not deducted from max base AI unit
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


After reaching the max count spawn AI from a base. If you recruit them in your team and leave the area and get all the AI killed. If you go back to your base it's impossible to spaw new AI becasue the AI limit is not updated and remain to max.

Other Issue, If a player get disconnected in the wild with some AI, the AI are not visible on the map and cannot be retrieve to base.

simple way to fix is to add abality to revoke all the base AI in order o reset counter and being able to recruite new AI


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • spawn the max AI avaible in a base
  • recruit AI in your player group and leave the area
  • get all your teamate AI killed
  • go back to the base and check the Max Ai counter limit, it remains to 100%

Event Timeline

k-nours created this task.Jul 1 2024, 11:03 AM
k-nours renamed this task from Dead AI grpup are not deducted from max base AI unit to Dead AI group are not deducted from max base AI unit.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jul 1 2024, 1:12 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Jul 9 2024, 12:14 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello k-nours.
We have tested this on our end but we have been unable to reproduce the issue.

I have also had the same problem. Dead ai units are still contributing to my base population. I tried downloading no base limit ai mod and that didn't do anything. I cannot spawn new groups

I really wish they'd fix this, it's still a problem in playing PvE Conflict Arland.

Geez added a comment.Sep 20 2024, 3:29 PM

Is there any other information you could provide in order for us to possibly reproduce the issue? Maybe we are missing some key steps after which this does occur?

It happens most of the time while playing vanilla single player in Conflict Arland.

Start a game, rank up to the point you can build a barracks.

Create two squads of Grenadiers.

Assign all 8 to your squad.

Go off to the next base with your squad and get them all killed.

Alternatively Save and Quit mission with 8 AI's in your squad and re-start the game.

At the original base the Squad limit will still be full and you can't recruit more AIs.

Sometimes the AI limit does reduce when squad members die, but often only enough to recruit 2 more squad members.

It seems the dead squad members aren't being deducted from the base AI limit when they die. I have noticed on a couple of occasions after re-loading the game that the dead squad members corpses persisted between games. They then got garbage collected 5-10 minutes later and disappeared, but the base AI limit didn't go down.

Geez changed the task status from Reviewed to Confirmed Internally.Sep 27 2024, 11:36 AM

Thank you! Confirmed! :)

Awesome - thanks Geez 👍

This is still an issue or as of today it is for ps5 could you guys give an update if this issue can be resolved?

Yes absolutely identical to the issue before hand discussed it’s an ongoing issue not hard to fix if you guys just go in and configure the issue with ai deductions code for bases

Can you guys please fix this as it breaks single player PvE.

Don't forget we paid a decent price for Reforger, we didn't get it for free.