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Standard Joysticks are not working anymore
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Standard Joysticks an pedals are not supported by Arma Reforger? Are you serious? One of my main action in ARMA3 was flying... Helicopters or Planes. How should this be done in a imersive way without Joysticks and pedals? Is it planned to reactivate Joystick support? I hope so.
Best regards
Stefan Beck


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Open Reforger only Game Pads are supported

Event Timeline

Amipro created this task.Nov 24 2023, 12:09 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 24 2023, 11:08 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Nov 24 2023, 11:37 AM

Hello Amipro.
The joystick support is currently WIP. So it should be available in future.

Thx for the fast answer. Is there a schedule/roadmap available,, when such essential parts of the game will be implemented?

Geez added a comment.Nov 28 2023, 10:29 AM

Unfortunately there is no public roadmap nor I can share any estimates as to when this could be implemented.

I am extremely happy to hear that joystick support was/is being worked on. I was hoping that it would have come with 1.0 but I understand that game development is a fluid and challenging task. I think a lot of the PC community is waiting on this feature. We could really use the ability to map throttle and collective axis for analog equipment. Controller emulation is just not cutting it. I personally would really like to sink my time into Reforger like I did with Arma 3 but all of my flight time in Arma 3 was done with a duel stick setup or HOTAS, I have no muscle memory with mouse and keyboard. Are there any updates on this that you might be able to share or allude to @Geez? Is it still being worked on? Thanks!

Geez added a comment.May 21 2024, 11:10 AM

I am extremely happy to hear that joystick support was/is being worked on. I was hoping that it would have come with 1.0 but I understand that game development is a fluid and challenging task. I think a lot of the PC community is waiting on this feature. We could really use the ability to map throttle and collective axis for analog equipment. Controller emulation is just not cutting it. I personally would really like to sink my time into Reforger like I did with Arma 3 but all of my flight time in Arma 3 was done with a duel stick setup or HOTAS, I have no muscle memory with mouse and keyboard. Are there any updates on this that you might be able to share or allude to @Geez? Is it still being worked on? Thanks!

Hello billt117.
Unfortunately I have no information I can provide.

Ravanok added a subscriber: Ravanok.EditedJan 15 2025, 12:36 AM

It would be nice to receive some news regarding this vital feature, we're receiving TrackIR support in 1.3 with still no news on HOTAs support, Arma 3 released 12 years ago and came natively with HOTAs support. Arma Reforger came out 2 years ago now. This feature is needed. A good majority of the community are waiting on this and we're in the dark. Thank you.

Thank you for feedback, we are receiving it and understanding it.
HOTAS and other peripherals are very important for all of us, fliers.
It just adds a lot of complexity so it fell down in our priority list siginificantly.
I still hope to get it on the schedule, but currently no promises.