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Some summary of Workbench/Anim editor bugs
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


While working with workbench anim editor, I would like sumarize some problems which I noticing every day:

  1. Refreshing files in filesystem - Its very annoying that when you did copy new file to P drive, workbench/anim editor not recognize (not see) that file until WB restarted. Refresh button not works or does nothing.
  1. Checking for duplicates - really annoying feature, will be great possibility disable it in config options.
  1. Information dialog about versions when workbench starting - please add checkbox "do not show again" and then do not disturb me anymore with that dialog please.
  1. Animation editor without reason stop animate grid - there was already ticket for it, unfortunately i dont know howto reproduce, it stopped working after two weeks when I worked with it daily. That moving grid when not working not allow me check if entity movement in world is correct. Multiple times after tools update it started working again but its buggy still.
  1. Animation editor should remember elements layout, Its really annoying that after opening animgraph I must everytime move all elements how I prefer (show animgraph, make preview smaller and so on...) This is one of most annoying things in anim editor.
  1. Importing animations - will be great that when selecting some animation for import, it will create file named based on animation name (maybe some settings in options) I also noticed that workbench somehow cache files and when reimporting some anim after changes, its better just close workbench and start it again otherwise it will not load from updated fbx file.
  1. Animation editor crashes - sometimes it crashes when doing something which is not expected but also for example when trying add event to animation (during save).
  1. Missing file - when want open any animgraph must delete line which points to that file. Why those files is not extracted from game data? When editing animgraph of player I need everytime add that line before publish mod. It another annoying thing.
  1. Bones dialog - field Filter Bones do nothing, very often when need check orientation of entityposition bone, must scroll and search that bone manually instead quickly filter.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Hunterz created this task.Mar 28 2023, 6:20 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mar 29 2023, 10:06 AM

video of workbench crashing while saving animation events

Workaround for the events crash is

  1. Reimport animation
  2. Check in anim editor
  3. Restart workbench completely
  4. Saving events works
  1. Bones button in anim editor should be toggle button as is written when you hover over it. But every press now show new bones dialog instead show/hide.
  1. Anim editor and worbench crashes when deleting anim node source connected to state, then click to state

It should delete orphan link in my opinion

Workbench instantly crashed when you try open inventory imageset

Tyson added a subscriber: Tyson.May 31 2024, 10:21 AM
  1. when trying add new collumn which name already exist workbench crash