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Items inside a cookingpot on a gas Cooker despawn after server restart
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When combining a cooking pot with a gas cooker combo (gas cooker with a gas can), you can place items inside the pot.
I placed the whole "raid combo" (6 grenades inside a cooking pot on a gas stove with a gas can) inside the trunk of our car (Gunter 2 with all chassis parts).
After the server restarted, only the gas cooker is left inside the trunk. Cooking pot and grenades are gone. This sucks and makes raiding tours a pain in the ass, since you gotta disasemble the raid kit everytime a server restart comes up) pls fix!!!


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Place items inside cooking pot
put cooking pot on gas stove
take cooking combo and place it inside car trunk
let the server restart
puff, cooking pot is gone

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jan 5 2022, 12:39 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Crocodile_Dendi.W
We have been testing this on our end but unfortunately we were unable to produce the issue.
Have you experienced this on a modded server?

Hey Geez,
im a playing Vanilla DayZ.

Have you placed granades inside the cooking pot?
There are multiple entries about this same problem found via google search.


mrdarn added a subscriber: mrdarn.Jan 23 2022, 12:21 AM

I've recreated this, with a few tweaks. The pot seems to spawn UNDER the car on restart.

Rec steps:

  • Download DayZ Server
  • Edit init.c to give player a full camping stove and 6 grenades on spawn
  • Edit cfgplayerspawnpoints.xml to restrict the spawnpoints so you spawn near a car
  • Edit cfgeventspawns.xml to spawn a car near the playerspawn
  • Place all 6 grenades inside the stove (2 will be outside due to the need for rotation, could this be the issue?)
  • Place stove inside the car
  • Log out.
  • Stop and start server
  • Rejoin, Pot and grenades will be missing.
  • Look under the car, Pot with grenades will be there.

Nothing in the main server log
Script has this:

SCRIPT       : [wpnfsm] Warning! OnStoreLoad - cannot load curent weapon state, id=0

Don't know if that's connected.

I can provide the files if needed.

Have you managed to recreate it with this new info? or do you need more?

Geez added a comment.Jan 26 2022, 5:12 PM

Hello mrdarn.
Upon restart we still had everything in the vehicle.
We will keep investigating. Please let us know if you come across any new information that could help us in producing this.

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedJan 28 2022, 8:50 AM

Strange. In T160399 the bug is Acknowledged and now its not reproducable?

In the Rec steps one step is important:

Put the pot (with the greandes inside) on the stove before you put this "device" into the trunk.

Geez added a comment.Jan 28 2022, 9:12 AM

Strange. In T160399 the bug is Acknowledged and now its not reproducable?

In the Rec steps one step is important:

Put the pot (with the greandes inside) on the stove before you put this "device" into the trunk.

Hello andro_dawton.
T160399 has slightly different repro steps and we have been able to produce the problem with the wooden crates. We however have been unable to produce the problem with vehicles so far. We will keep investigating.

Any object placed inside a pot attached to a stove with the canister, not just grenades. And I've seen this in vanilla public servers and also in mine downloadable from Steam.
Whether in a car or in a barrel. After the restart, the pan is detached from the stove and expelled outside. Inside the barrel (physically looking inside the opening, NOT inside the inventory) and above or below the vehicle. This has happened to me several times before.

I dont understand how this is not reproduceable on your side @Geez.
It happens everytime on the vanilla dayz server.

The despawning part can be explained simply by lifetimes of objects. If the stove gets out of the car, it is prone to despawn as any other item.

andro_dawton added a comment.EditedJan 31 2022, 7:52 AM

Is it important which car exactly and which gas bottle (small / big)?
Does ist happen in a tent, a barrel, a seachest aswell?

Is it important which car exactly and which gas bottle (small / big)?
Does ist happen in a tent, a barrel, a seachest aswell?

Yes it does, happenes with seachests and regular chests and cars at least.
The important part is to have items inside the cooking pot placed on the gas cooker combo. There even is a console error, saying something about cant load container state or smth, will provide more info.
Def has to do with faulty loading of items inside items. If one seperates the pot and the stove, nothing will "despawn" or behave weird.
