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- Apr 5 2013, 3:50 AM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Yes I was just about to post this issue. It works/is bugged everywhere I believe although only recall doing it in the barracks too.
ALSO NOTE: This only happens in 1st person, 3rd person seems to be fine.
And what is your suggestion? Take away the grass? I think it's fine.
Don't laydown in first person and you'll be fine
Yeah you can, but you can;t change the icons or YOUR squad, only everybody on your team
Wow I'm dumb, I just noticed or really payed attention to the icons on the HUD. Is till think having your squad as green would be nice on the map.
I literally have only seen hexagons for everybody.
As for the rainbows, I think you guys read it different.
Only the people in your squad would show up as green, everyone else blue. Like I said, the squad leader doesn't NEED a different color. I think a different icon would work fine (unless I'm missing something as you suggested) so that makes how many colors 3 or 4? Red, Blue, a little bit of yellow for civilians(which there really aren't any of), and what 8 green dots?! That's a rainbow alright. Just think about how many dots there would be real quick of each color. All your really doing is adding a FEW green ones.
I see no rainbow here.
I agree it can get annoying and last a little too long. I think though that it should be kept, but the severity should just be reduced. Maybe just on the edges of the screen or your peripherals, giving you more of a "tunnel vision." (But not really..)
May 9 2016
Well in editor you could just give your guys NV goggles. (Idk if you're referring to this or not.)
Add this into the player description (or whatever box is below the "NAME" text box.
/// this addItem "NVGoggles"; \\\
\\\it's something like that. You may have to replace "Item" with something else.
For other missions you're at their mercy.