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User Since
Dec 20 2013, 6:39 PM (586 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

yukinmax added a comment to T91761: Unable to eat/drink directly from environment.


May 10 2016, 6:18 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T90862: Forever Sickness Screen Bug.

If your screen is black&white you just need to do this:

  1. Find rice, 4 cans of food and 2 canteens or 4 water bottles.
  2. Find any safe place (like house in forest).
  3. Drink 2 water bottles.
  4. Eat rice until you have "My stomach feels stuffed" message.
  5. Drink 2 water bottles.
  6. Sit in house for 15 minutes.
  7. Eat 1 can of food and sit another 10 minutes, repeat 3 times.

If you are sick, try to clear your wounds with alcohol before this process.

Eventually you should notice as your screen becomes colorful again =)
Additionally you can see "Healthy" status in your inventory screen.

May 10 2016, 5:47 PM · DayZ
yukinmax edited Steps To Reproduce on T90780: Impossible to move item from Vicinity window directly to Hands window (manually or by using item).
May 10 2016, 5:44 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T90706: Changing to a weapon while moving causes the character to stop..

For clarity:
This happens only with raised weapon/hands/compass/etc!


  1. Take any weapon in hands.
  2. Raise weapon (with Space key).
  3. Start to run (with W key).
  4. While running change weapon using hot-key.
  5. *** Observe character stopping and weapon changing animation.

!!! If you do it with lowered weapon/hands no stopping occurs.

May 10 2016, 5:42 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T90703: Restart ANY SERVER with a simple command..

Wow, confirmed! That is a really BIG issue... I don't thing regular player should be able to restart any server even in alpha.

May 10 2016, 5:42 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T90129: Stopping when changing weapons - solved? Are you kidding me..

Close your bug please, there are so many duplicates...

May 10 2016, 5:22 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T90088: Unable to toggle Walk/Jog.

Try to press RMB?

May 10 2016, 5:21 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T89649: Blood level not regenerating.

It works guys. You just need to eat rice and drink water each 10 minutes to ensure that your stomach is full! And sit in house while healing. I think you need to rest about 30-40 mins with full energy in some safe place. Worked for me, colors are back. Hardcore, by the way =)

May 10 2016, 5:04 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

If your screen is black&white you just need to do this:

  1. Find rice, 4 cans of food and 2 canteens or 4 water bottles.
  2. Find any safe place (like house in forest).
  3. Drink 2 water bottles.
  4. Eat rice until you have "My stomach feels stuffed" message.
  5. Drink 2 water bottles.
  6. Sit in house for 15 minutes.
  7. Eat 1 can of food and sit another 10 minutes, repeat 3 times.

If you are sick, try to clear your wounds with alcohol before this process.

Eventually you should notice as your screen becomes colorful again =)
Additionally you can see "Healthy" status in your inventory screen.

Worked for me when I drank alcohol... Now I am healthy and able to see colors =)

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
yukinmax added a comment to T86445: 'You are already using something'.

This problem occurs becsuse item can not be moved directly from Vicinity window to Hands window (yet).

May 10 2016, 1:08 PM · DayZ