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- User Since
- Feb 16 2014, 9:21 AM (579 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Maybe, but this was in the dead of night.
Needed not only in Zeus, but in the editor. Also some in-game integration with the Wiki.
Though I haven't tested, or noticed. if you are correct then i agree, they should be more dynamic. Thumbs Up.
I don't think it is a bug... I think its good for advertising. When I saw the update, i immediately went into the editor to see what it was like, even though I hadn't bought anything yet. I messed around and thought, "you know what... for £1.19, ill get it." So i did! And thoroughly enjoyed the challenges, so i am building my own mission with them included. - Tom M, doing the ARMA PR's job for them.
Also, if you read this [] it outlines how they will be pushing DLC to people. Its actually a very clever system. Everyone will have the content in their game files but will only be able to unlock the full potential through purchasing.
If it has not be fixed with this update, it is most probably an issue with data packets being sent between you and the server you are connected to. This is known as packet loss (Which i believe is also known as "De-sync", but don't quote me) The issue you are having is an issue with the hard-code of the game and the server too. Some improvements, i hope, would have been made better with 1.20, but problems may be with the server you are on.
No it hasn't... Played on a King of the Hill SaMatra server today and happened constantly.
ah, ok. How about something in driver settings for realtek.
I know it sounds cheesy but how about switching the earphones? But, yeah, its probably a sound-card issue. Also try turning the number of sounds in a 3D space down in the in-game audio options.
waypoint need to be better for boats, so they can stop when I want them too and then turn around, not mount the metaphorical beach-head.
Certainly not the place for this sort of thing. Take it to the devs on Twitter or on the forums. This site is for bugs not requests.
Ignore; this has been fixed upon recent updates. Confusing campaign, I hope we get more info.