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- User Since
- Nov 17 2014, 2:33 PM (537 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
Same thing just a few minutes ago... I reset our server because of it (luckily I can).
Ah Sorry, I was after the one where items were not showing, and thus filling the tent lost your tent and gear and made the tent a permanent fixture.
Sounded like it ;)
This seems to have something to do with the issue of first aid kits not being visible until you pick them up or put something in them also.
The issue is when the tent is completely full you cannot put anything in, then the tent is inaccessible and thus will just sit there forever or until next wipe.
A fix for that in 0.50 would be great.
Indeed this needs to be fixed before persistence because if ALL slots are full - the tent becomes impossible to ever pick up or access again.
Thus we will slowly build up tents on all persistent servers until ... tentageddon.
This bug seems to creep in around 0.47-0.48 when I noticed the same issue with medic kits. Putting a med-kit in your hands then showed the inventory - unfortunately we cannot pick a full tent up.
May 10 2016
This seems to be a reproducible issue when joining a server before it has completely restarted - but is still allowing connections for whatever reason.
Rejoining the server the moment it hits the list will almost guarantee a wipe of your character.
Making the server inaccessible during this time would be a great work-around at least in the interim.
I do get what you're saying. And from what you just said, you don't know enough to even be commenting.
One does not simply add a bunch of stuff to an initialization field in order to outfit 30 guys when building a co-op mission.
Go and take a look at LEA - it's buggy as hell but works, it does not edit an initialization field and creates 3 seperate files for each single player, server and multiplayer to edit soldiers for each contingency - why?
Well, because of JIP and various other client-server issues which can only be gotten around by coding the game for at least a couple of weeks - to know what you're doing.
That's CODING the game for weeks - not playing it.
Sorry, but if you think the initialization field and an export from VAS is the be-all end-all of loadout editing, you really aren't in a position to be saying much on the issue. You don't even realise what the issue is.
Here is exactly what I'm talking about in a dev-blog:
I'm sorry but VA is not a fix for when you want to create a mission and limit the equipment to a particular set...
Getting people to add their equipment through VA is an incredible break of immersion also...
Seriously, wtf are you even on about ?
This should be being worked in right now... This is a no-brainer.
I can't even consider thinking about why you didn't put it in at release so that you got modders who'd never modded arma before in on day-1 without a huge amount of frustration over whether their mission was single player, co-op, isserver, ismultiplayer, is-a-huge-timesink.
Do you even feasibly comprehend how many people must've bought the game by now to mod in the "fancy new editor" with the workshop, and just dropped this like a hot rock - never to be bought again ?
This simple crap should've been in FAR before zeus. I cannot even comprehend. There'll be no dayz mod to save you this time.
Get it done and make sure it deals with co-op and MP properly.