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- User Since
- Apr 30 2014, 5:29 PM (566 w, 3 d)
Sep 5 2022
Thank you a lot for the report.
Aug 30 2022
Thank you for providing a video and all the steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
Aug 4 2022
A small clarification - the fix didn't make it in time for the next week's patch. However, the patch after it is going to contain it.
Thank you for your report and sorry for the delay, guys.
Jul 28 2022
Hello, thank you for the report.
Jul 14 2022
Thank you for your report.
Jul 4 2022
Thank you for the report.
Dec 2 2016
Last year we introduced a new server config parameter "serverCommandPassword". It is independent of passwordAdmin and is the only password that can be used with serverCommand. Configure this parameter to make your setup work, please.
Oct 31 2016
As far as I can tell, Arma currently does not put a limit to a number of file handles that can be open. It all comes down to your system's settings.
May 10 2016
As of tommorow, there will be a new command line parameter "heapmem" available on the dev branch.
Could you please try and run Arma with "--heapmem" parameter?
It's not there yet
Confirmed. Array of of params 3+ elements stops command from executing, forget about the function. The command returns NOTHING, while under 3 it returns "" <<
Have you ever seen a command in Arma taking more than 2 parameters? :) They accept either none, one or two. In order to be able to send more parameters you make them an array.
"[1,2,3] remoteExec ["someCmd"]" does actually translate into "1 remoteExec 2,3". This is wrong syntax. If you check your rpt you should be able to see an error about remoteExec being called with a wrong number of arguments.
The right way to call it would be [1,[2,3]] remoteExec ["someCmd"] (or [[1,2],3]] / 1,2,3 depending on your command).
My reply was targeting Killzone_Kid. He mentioned commands and forgetting about the function and got me confused there. I'm sorry for that.
We already have this issue fixed internally and it will be available in the dev branch as soon as possible. Thank you.
Could you post your CfgRemoteExec as well, please? Thank you.
Only the dev branch contains the fix.
However, if it's the dev branch which causes you issues, you'll have to provide us with your squad.xml or search your rpt for squad.xml warnings.
As of now, squad.xml has to strictly follow the rules described on
According to the URL provided above, squad.xml header must be:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
Your squad.xml does not follow this rule and therefore it is considered invalid.
I hope this helps to solve your issue
This issue will be addressed in tommorow's dev build.
File: support\modules\bon_recruit_units\dialog\recruiment.hpp
Line 21: text = "\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\NATO\b_inf.paa; <- missing quote here
Does this issue still apply even in recent builds (e.g., 1.18)?