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- User Since
- Jul 3 2014, 6:19 PM (556 w, 4 d)
Aug 12 2016
Jun 30 2016
May 11 2016
it works as hassfried described. as far as i know this works with all available kinds of meat. only issue is with the fish filet which will not get cooked as it is not properly implemented at this time (0.53 stable).
yes, server browser definitely needs some love.
- 1st / 1st+3rd person
- private / public
- daytime range or maybe something that will let you find servers with at least 1h of sunlight left
- optional uptime and time until restart tab in server list would be a nice feature
- server history needs a "sort by last connection date" function so you can find the servers you played on recently
happens to me in buildings, especially when quickly going up and down stairs. moving at walking speeds solves this. maybe a side effect from some speed-hack-prevention-tool ?
curiously the rubber banding looks exactly like watching somebody use speed hacks. when it first happened to me i thougt my char was remote controlled by a hacker :)
drink all is once again slightly bugged. if it gets stuck and wont finish just cancel action and try again, that solves it for me ... at least most of the time.
public database was wiped for the 0.53 stable patch, probably to get rid of hacked gear (i am not inferring that YOU had any hacked gear on you).
this is just something we have to live with during the developement stages of the game.
i sometimes experience the same issue. moving closer to the corpse and trying again has always solved it for me so far.
i can confirm this issue. fish does not get heated.
used fireplace with tripod and cooking pot to cook deer steaks, works fine.
portable gas stove seems to not heat the cooking pot or its content at all.
@bucket: i dont get any scroll menu options either, except "take fireplace kit". as soon as i add 5 sticks to the kit i cannot pick up the fireplace anymore.
lighting the fire works perfectly as soon as i have the fireplace kit with 5 sticks and 1 log attached to it. no need for additional sticks or logs in my inventory.
@clown: everything beeing put into the 15 slots of the lit fireplace seems to get ruined very quickly. no heating occures. adding a cooking pot with the meat inside (fish is bugged atm) will work but keep a close eye on the content of the pot as it gets cooked very quickly.
same here, i guess its a placeholder animation. mechanics work fine though.
this has been fixed for a while now.
i just (0.53 stable) visited Myshkino Military Camp, spawns are working fine there, as does the nwaf tent city when i last visited it on 0.52 stable
May 10 2016
you give very little information there. if you are using a laptop maybe this helps:
had the same thing on a laptop, did some googleing, here's what solved it for me:
laptops may have 2 graphics cards. the one advertised in the specs and a second, much less powerful unit. if the laptop does standard desktop applications it runs on the slim unit to conserve energy. apparently games and alike are supposed to automatically switch to the powerful unit because the slim unit does not provide all the 3d features required for the game.
in my case dayz wouldn't comply. so i had to open my dayz.cfg in the C:\Users\<your user>\Documents\DayZ folder. find the line
adapter=-1; and change to adapter=2;
"minus one" is apparently autodetect. the powerful graphics card was the 2nd entry in the windows device manager so i set the config to two.
that fixed it for me. your adapter number might vary. i had all relevant drivers updated before attempting the config file change. hope this helps.
it cannot be used for cutting up animals either
i experienced the same issue on the "balcony" of the ACT in the middle of NWAF. (dunno the correct word for the outside of the 2nd floor). i crouched down on the eastern corner (towards the hangars) to shoot a zombie with an sks.
the screen did a light grey-out-getting-hurt flash twice in rapid succession. i instantly checked my inventory and my pants and boots were ruined. apparently i didn't loose any health though because it still said "healthy".
had the same thing on a laptop, did some googleing, here's what solved it for me:
laptops may have 2 graphics cards. the one advertised in the specs and a second, much less powerful unit. if the laptop does standard desktop applications it runs on the slim unit to conserve energy. apparently games and alike are supposed to automatically switch to the powerful unit because the slim unit does not provide all the 3d features required for the game.
in my case dayz wouldn't comply. so i had to open my dayz.cfg in the C:\Users\<your user>\Documents\DayZ folder. find the line
adapter=-1; and change to adapter=2;
"minus one" is apparently autodetect. the powerful graphics card was the 2nd entry in the windows device manager so i set the config to two.
that fixed it for me. your adapter number might vary. i had all relevant drivers updated before attempting the config file change. hope this helps.