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- User Since
- Dec 27 2013, 12:47 PM (586 w, 28 m)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
masamunefrfr added a comment to T92380: Servers lag much more than before last patch.
Yes indeed, my friends and me have seen this too.. Really too much desynch.
masamunefrfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T91863: Easy way to duplicate all your stuff by duplicating yourself.
masamunefrfr added a comment to T91565: Critical, game breaking, full character duplication bug. ANYBODY can do this at ANY TIME..
same report here : I guess it's due to the title...
Anyways yes, major bug.
masamunefrfr added a comment to T91308: Easy way to duplicate all your stuff by duplicating yourself.
No one ? It's a gamebreaking issue.
masamunefrfr edited Steps To Reproduce on T91308: Easy way to duplicate all your stuff by duplicating yourself.
masamunefrfr added a comment to T91300: Doors that have open/close indicators but do not open.
This bug also happened to me and my friends.
masamunefrfr added a comment to T91197: [HIGH PRIORITY] Built in cheat whenn deleting .pbo files.
Yes +1.
masamunefrfr added a comment to T86874: Losing all your gear and spawning on the coast after changing server/relogging..
Same for me, already happened 2 or 3 times. : (