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User Details
- User Since
- Mar 15 2013, 7:27 PM (627 w, 6 d)
May 17 2020
May 17 2020
lev edited Additional Information on T150995: Vests and Backpacks have a non-neutral thermal signature despite using stealth uniforms.
lev edited Additional Information on T150995: Vests and Backpacks have a non-neutral thermal signature despite using stealth uniforms.
May 18 2017
May 18 2017
lev changed Severity from severity:none to severity:major on T124864: Zeus - Respawn on Position option failing.
May 17 2017
May 17 2017
Sep 15 2016
Sep 15 2016
Aug 20 2016
Aug 20 2016
lev added a comment to T119992: Ground sinking feature causing problems with player hitboxes, also creates problems with walls and objects.
You should probably update the severity of the bug to something higher. I wouldn't call this minor as it severely negatively affects the experience of multiplayer pvp and I suspect a lot of coop games as well where it seems that you just could not hit the AI for some reason or how AI just seems to spot you without you being able to see them.
Jul 16 2016
Jul 16 2016
lev updated the task description for T119433: IR Sensors Seeing Through Glass Surfaces.
lev updated the task description for T119433: IR Sensors Seeing Through Glass Surfaces.
Jul 12 2016
Jul 12 2016
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
lev edited Steps To Reproduce on T82829: Missing front sight texture on multiple weapons when using MRCO sight.
lev added a comment to T82053: Arsenal won't allow loading of saved presets [MP].
This is a problem within the end game mp mode as well. Even if you build a load out within end game, it will not load in the next session.
lev edited Steps To Reproduce on T82011: Stance Indicator should be available at elite difficulty level.
lev added a comment to T75342: Missing front sight texture when MRCO is on MX 3GL..
This bug still exists. I made another ticket a few months ago but it was marked as a duplicate of this one. Will BIS ever take a look at this issue and fix it?
lev added a comment to T68540: movement blocking zafir scopes.
Issue is still occurring with Zafir + ARCO while wearing LBV harness.
lev edited Steps To Reproduce on T63323: Movement sound positioning incorrect when rotating view/head.