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Mar 26 2013, 7:39 AM (622 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

kavno added a comment to T79799: Civilian airplane.

i think a nice 80s cessna 172., a ratty old beat to heck bush plane or even a piper cub, and some sort of small private jet would be perfect additions. but at the very least the bush plane.

May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T79796: Add trailer units..

Tow ropes would be nice. being able to tow anything rather. it would be nice to trailer logistics containers and tow disabled vehicles.

May 10 2016, 9:33 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T79741: CH-67 should float similarly to the CH-47?.

standard ch-47

May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T79741: CH-67 should float similarly to the CH-47?.

i forgot about the floats on that one lol. the cargo bay actually submerges to about a foot at the shallowest when open with the floats, but the standard ch47 can do that as well but the collective cant be lowered all the way. needs just a bit of lift to 'sit' on the water. I believe its something like 5 min to sink complete in a water ditch scenario. most commercial aircraft are designed to stay afloat for roughly half an hour to facilitate evacuation, military is just long enough for crew to escape therefor we should be able to softly drop a helo in the water and swim away when something fails. with the new physics we need better collisions.

May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T79741: CH-67 should float similarly to the CH-47?.
May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T79738: M-900 & xH-9's feels way to heavy/ underpowered, especially the AH-9.

I agree they're a bit underpowered. The MD-500 is quite capable and I would assume its offspring would only be more powerful.

May 10 2016, 9:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70142: Improved Environmental Features.

Id like it if there was an option (like changing independent loyalties) to toggle ambient animals and civilians/civilian traffic on or off. I personally would like to have pre-placed civilian and animal modules. The previously mentioned toggle would make both sides happy. I would like civilians in a lot of my just casual throw sh!t on the map and play missions but I just don't want to deal with the pain in the ass modules and having to place all the herds of animals.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

@Kol9yN, no sh!t?! That's awesome! You're very welcome! Maybe the devs could use your model as a base for one in the full release? With credit Of course ;)

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

Duplicate just means more than one person had the idea. Meaning that there is at least some interest in it. And they can delete this if the want.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

The mod community should to make that flying ATV with a M249 on the front.... Just saying...

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

@mepwaygame lol that thing is real and is been out for a few years. And idk if they will get the time, but again its just an idea. And maybe they could make a flying ATV like one I made for bf2 years ago. Ill add the pic of it. :P

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

@AD2001 if you can find it feel free. And I think it kinda fits with the whole 2035 time frame, maybe the devs could clean it up a little. The real thing looks bulky.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T70132: ATV idea.

Its not a very big model and its quite similar to the current ATV. I figure it wouldn't take long to change the fenders of the current ATV and give it a simple hull. The retracting wheels might be tricky like Fisgas said but idk. It's just an idea. And I would have suggested it in the early alpha if I'd seen it then.

May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T70132: ATV idea.
May 10 2016, 5:01 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T70131: ATV idea.
May 10 2016, 5:00 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T69764: Scope Cap and Scope Reflection.

I like the idea. Its a very real occurrence. But it needs to be subtle, nothing like bf3 which is way OP. And makes counter sniping way to easy.

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64658: Flashlights as a seperate item..
May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64648: Most pistols work reliably underwater..

I under stand that. But if your a diver in underwater combat and you run out of UW ammo. Your effectively dead. I figure if you could pull out your standard pistol, get right up close, and shoot them and it actually do something.

May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64648: Most pistols work reliably underwater..

you would have to get close for the rounds to do damage with regular weapons but they should still work.

May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64648: Most pistols work reliably underwater..
May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64647: Underwater invantory acces..
May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64646: AI use grenades underwater..
May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64645: AI don't assume free-fall position.
May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64644: HALO jump suit.

I like that idea. A full helmet and jump suit.

Now that's all out.

May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64644: HALO jump suit.
May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64643: Climb on to boats.
May 10 2016, 1:31 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64407: add a way to kill an unaware enemy in arms reach..

I'm not really talking about melee, but more of a stealth takedown without guns. If they know I'm there I'm gunna shoot. If they are totally unaware, why not keep them all unaware that I'm there and break the guys neck or stab him in the heart. But if they adde knives as more Of a tool that would be awesome. Using a knife to cut pesky grass while prone, cut through fences, cut down foliage, disable enemy explosives or vehicles, make hasty traps, or open a can of beans.

May 10 2016, 1:23 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64407: add a way to kill an unaware enemy in arms reach..

The problem with shooting them in the back of the head is that most Arma rounds are supersonic, and for some reason a silenced weapon with supersonic rounds puts an arrow over your head for enemies. Even though when using a suppressor it becomes very difficult to locate a shooter, even when they use supersonic rounds.

May 10 2016, 1:23 AM · Arma 3
kavno edited Steps To Reproduce on T64407: add a way to kill an unaware enemy in arms reach..
May 10 2016, 1:23 AM · Arma 3
kavno added a comment to T64407: add a way to kill an unaware enemy in arms reach..

May 10 2016, 1:23 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

kavno added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

My brother is retired Infantry from 1st armored division. He has killed an insurgent with a knife in CQB. So it is a real military weapon. Sometimes a knife works better than a rifle at close range. Alot of soldiers in his unit would carry their Ka-Bar in their left hand and shoot with the right hand when they were clearing tight alleyways and buildings. No instant kill, but it gives you the upper hand in CQB by temporarily immobilizing your opponent. This is only effective in arms reach but in Iraq that happens more often than you would think.

May 9 2016, 10:42 PM · Arma 3