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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 3:39 PM (586 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Do you still have a pre-update character? Haven't gotten any notifications on my char's state so I guess I'll have to get it killed soon. Had the same issue, not knowing if it did actually lower my thirst or not.
Guess it's the CPU that does it. Running 'fine'(as in playable, no freezes, the usual yeno.) on my 7970 and i5 4670k.
I'd like you to try and run the game with its default settings/setting it to the lowest in-game.
To elaborate, the 'd' in question is the one in 'Standart'. Should be 'Standard'.
Have to disagree I'm afraid. I've found quite a bunch of drinks around certain houses. Also, if you find a water bottle you're basically served for ever.
Food and drinks are indeed easy to find. I've happened to find 3-4 drinks in one building. You won't find much around the high loot areas as in airfields and the sort but you can find enough to eat/drink in chernogorsk for example.
Downvoted for not knowing what you should actually be reporting :/
As a few people have mentioned already, you are not really unconscious, it's just the screen that doesn't go away.
Same happened to me in the Day cycle. Had 2 zombies standing in front of me (yes, I approached from behind) and then a third one popped up and it took him a few seconds to even do anything.
I've seen and seem to realise that the messages pop up as soon asyour thirst/hunger bar starts going down. For instance, I've had had times where I had just drank 2 sodas and it told me I was fine but soon after (as in a few seconds) it told me I was feeling thirsty/mouth was feeling dry. Same goes for food! This also happening just after spawning/moving around (not sprinting for the most part!).
Just gonna drop a VOD from lirik's stream here: watch from 06:03:30.