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Jul 13 2015, 12:52 AM (506 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

germaniac added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

By definition, any game is unrealistic in some kind. For example, you can play again even if you get killed.

You can even log out and disappear from the world, for example in order to flee the "police" ;)

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac updated subscribers of T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

regarding "sanctionise murderers"@Evil Minion:
I don't want to sanctionise them always or directly, just the /ability/ to enable such a thing on private shards. This change actually enables us to motivate friendly and cooperative gameplay. Without becoming grey for theft or attacking someone or damaging someones base/stuff, how would you sanctionise that? Non-rewarding friendly gameplay is implicit penalising of non-friendly gameplay. The flagging system would make the server recognise that.

yes, that's my problem with this game. There is nothing to do then just shoot people. I wish to finally group with survivors to build a wooden Fort ("Wellington":) that upon finish defines a spawn-point for fresh players that are blue (so, no spawn point for reds=murderes). How do you do that without constantly verifying who is "allowed" to kill whome (i.e., without increasing murder counts) or allowed to take what?

regarding insults @Argaf:
if you cannot express yourself politely, don't post here. Just go and screw up another discussion. No one will miss you.

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

Oh, and according to "giving away to much information": as I already said, the flags do not need to be visible to players; at first it would be helpfull to sanctionise murderes with, for example, increased respawn time.

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

It works pretty well in the original game for more then 15 years now. Statements like "any system can be circumvented" (or "abused") are void, they have no meaning because nothing is perfect. As long as there is no way to punish absolutely destructive gameplay, this game will continue to die, and that is pretty sad.

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

This game needs a deeper sense than "you cannot know anything for certain, just go and kill if you wish".

There is not any sense in this game, nothing constructive or productive to do. And as long as the game is promised to be an early access where I can make wishes to changes, I will do so. There are private shards with rules like "no kill on sight". However those rules cannot be enforced and breaking the rules cannot be punished because there is nothing ingame that supports it. A flagging system like mentioned above would help in this, for example by an additional respawn delay of 10 minutes per murder count (remark: killing a grey would not increase the count).

For any kind of constructive or productive gameplay (i.e. evertyhing besides killing the remaining humans) we need an engine to punish destructive gameplay. This only works throug a flagging system or anything comparable (which I will call flagging system, as long as it supports a plausible way of counting murders of innocents). If tha flag is visible to players or not is less important. The flag must be presented server-side to be worked with.

PS: I like the idea of the character growing hair and beard (especially for females ;-). Of course, as every system, it could be circumvented. In combination with the flagging system, the character could suffer increasing hair loss according to his murder counts (remark again: killing a grey does not increas the murder counts). Leave me a link to the proposal for hair-growth and I'd be happy to upvote for that :)

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.

Yes, I think the humanity system from the mod is comparable to the system used in Ultima Online before the current one (as mentioned above) was introduced. However, this one is not linear. Commitig harm to a blue or helping a red makes you grey, so you can be killed without changes for the one killing you. It's quite nifty. It works on servers with more then 1000 people online at the same time. Every system can be circumvented somehow, that is no reason to avoid it. Or would you avoid BattlEye just because some people can still hack the game? :)

May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac set Category to category:featurerequest on T111427: Implement notoriety system to flag innocent, criminal and murderers.
May 11 2016, 5:52 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108358: DayZ.exe Application Error Crash to Desktop.

OK, so if having at least 4 GB of page file does not suffice, I am really curious what the process explorer is reporting as a "commit size" after starting dayz for you guys with > 8GB of RAM? And, how that changes if (re)enabling at least 4 GB of pagefile?

May 11 2016, 4:08 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108358: DayZ.exe Application Error Crash to Desktop.

I had the same issue, also removing starting parameters and resetting the folders in %HOME/.../DayZ (wiping config) did not help.

However I did notice using the Sysinternals Process Explorer, that directly after starting DayZ, the systems memory "Commit" increases by 7.0 GB to 7.5 GB. That increases my total commit size from around 2.0 GB (after system startup) to more than 9.0 GB.

Whats the "commit" value in Process Explorer? See

The value has a history graph in yellow, just hover the cursor above the graph.

My system has 8 GB of RAM and I had a swapfile of 1.0 GB in total. After increasing it to a - non-reasonable value - of 8 GB, DayZ does not crash anymore.

I believe it's a bug that DayZ, which is still a 32 Bit application, can somehow gather more than 4 GB of Ram from the system.

To circumvent, just temporarily increase your systems swap file so that you have at least 9 or 10 GB of (virtual) RAM.

(I'll double post @ 0021926)

May 11 2016, 4:08 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108333: Memory Crash [ every 10 mins ].

I had the same issue, also removing starting parameters and resetting the folders in %HOME/.../DayZ (wiping config) did not help.

However I did notice using the Sysinternals Process Explorer, that directly after starting DayZ, the systems memory "Commit" increases by 7.0 GB to 7.5 GB. That increases my total commit size from around 2.0 GB (after system startup) to more than 9.0 GB.

Whats the "commit" value in Process Explorer? See

The value has a history graph in yellow, just hover the cursor above the graph.

My system has 8 GB of RAM and I had a swapfile of 1.0 GB in total. After increasing it to a - non-reasonable value - of 8 GB, DayZ does not crash anymore.

I believe it's a bug that DayZ, which is still a 32 Bit application, can somehow gather more than 4 GB of Ram from the system.

To circumvent, just temporarily increase your systems swap file so that you have at least 9 or 10 GB of (virtual) RAM.

(I'll double post @ 0021951)

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108333: Memory Crash [ every 10 mins ].

yes, sorry, swap file = paging file.

May 11 2016, 4:07 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108050: Make animals bleed!.

I also think that animals should start to bleed. At least if one smacks them with a hatchet? But maybe you should change the category to "feature request" as its no bug.

May 11 2016, 3:57 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T108033: Problem: captured players talk secretely to team with teamspeak.

Its not possible to controll the person wo plays the game.

Your proposed feature can always be circumvented with a capacitor-based microphone (cheap) and additional (USB) soundcard. One could simply switch off the mic for ingame VoIP and still use the second one for TS. You want steam to check for a second device? People will use tablets/smartphones for TS.

May 11 2016, 3:56 AM · DayZ
germaniac edited Steps To Reproduce on T107846: leather vest always looks pristine.
May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T107845: consuming a stack of 2x charcoal consumes all.

ok maybe this it not a bug since the caracter sometimes uses 2 pcs. of charcoal tabs instead of one.

May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac edited Steps To Reproduce on T107845: consuming a stack of 2x charcoal consumes all.
May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T107844: "split into thirds" on stacks of wood not plausible.

Sure we are supposed to do that :) One can stack up to 5 pieces of wood when they are still on the ground. Biggest stack that fits into inventory (currently only by putting out-of-hand) is 3.

May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac edited Steps To Reproduce on T107844: "split into thirds" on stacks of wood not plausible.
May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac edited Steps To Reproduce on T107842: item warp by implicitly putting to ground.
May 11 2016, 3:49 AM · DayZ
germaniac added a comment to T104932: Let us carry more Bags/Items.

being able to take a backpack into hands would be plausible, I think. You can pack 5 pcs. of wood on your hands, but only 3 in your backpack. Why not let me carry another backpack instead of a second wepon. If I need to attack, I'll need to drop the backpack with everything in it, thats quite an impact already.

May 11 2016, 1:58 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

germaniac added a comment to T80679: Linux: No clean shutdown on SIGTERM.

I would also like to see this bug fixed. The description above already supposes how to easily fix it, as the interrupt signal is used to bring the server down nicely. Just copy the code to catch the termination signal :) This would help in bringing a headless server down by - in my case - pressing the power button.

May 10 2016, 10:01 AM · Arma 3