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- User Since
- Mar 10 2014, 7:09 PM (575 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
flygamer1 set Category to category:weapons on T113458: Shotguns are pure garabage.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T112192: Loot stuck on the ground.
flygamer1 set Category to category:items on T111803: Loot is sometimes "stuck" on the ground and cannot be looted.
flygamer1 set Category to category:movement on T111802: When jumping your character randomly goes to prone animation.
flygamer1 added a comment to T106758: NEAF is useless now.
Nah man now they added netting bringing all the geard from the north to go and pvp in cherno, elektro there is no need to go nwaf cause you get geard in 5-10min after you boot the game cause all of them are on cost
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T106758: NEAF is useless now.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T106757: Hangars spawning to many useless items(shoes).
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T106756: Game crash causes you to lose your character.
flygamer1 set Category to category:general on T106724: Game shows a 1 minute re spawn timer after changing server but...
flygamer1 set Category to category:animations on T106708: Can't use A and D to get free from handcuffs.
flygamer1 set Category to category:environment on T106703: Houses randomly breaking legs and ruining shoes and pants and sometimes you die.
flygamer1 set Category to category:gamecrash on T106702: Game randomly crashes, also crashes when exiting servers.
flygamer1 added a comment to T106701: Can't craft splints, gut animals and other actions.
Yeah i know about that but you shouldn't have to do that and it doesn't work all the time
flygamer1 set Category to category:general on T106701: Can't craft splints, gut animals and other actions.
flygamer1 added a comment to T106565: Character always gets reset after server reset..
You are joining the server to quick after it restarts, wait a couple of minutes after it restarts.
flygamer1 set Category to category:environment on T106498: Pinetrees protecting players from bullets.
flygamer1 added a comment to T106234: Watching Campfire by Dawn / Night makes View go completely black..
doesn't work, wait for new renderer
flygamer1 added a comment to T106233: The binoculars wobbles very after the update 0.51.
it's been like that since they released them.
flygamer1 set Category to category:gamesettings on T106217: Windows borderless option.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T106160: First person camera is to low.
flygamer1 set Category to category:weapons on T106065: can't hear other peoples gunshots.
flygamer1 added a comment to T106036: Weapong "Vibrating" and not aiming still..
same for me
flygamer1 added a comment to T106035: Character shaking when aiming down sights..
I haven't eaten any human meat, it's know bug several people are reporting it so you are wrong.
flygamer1 edited Additional Information on T106035: Character shaking when aiming down sights..
flygamer1 set Category to category:characters on T106009: Can't go crouch/prone when fists are up.
flygamer1 set Category to category:balancing on T106008: Unable respawn when leg is broken.
flygamer1 set Category to category:environment on T106007: Can't drown under water.
flygamer1 set Category to category:items on T106006: Can't loot dead players after they slide down a hill.
flygamer1 set Category to category:balancing on T105607: Axes break way to fast from just chopping trees.
flygamer1 set Category to category:items on T105606: Long range scopes condition doesn't effect it.
flygamer1 set Category to category:multiplayer on T105605: Terrible fps in towns with low and high video setting.
flygamer1 set Category to category:animations on T105604: Left fist attack doesn't connect properly.
flygamer1 set Category to category:aibehavior on T105603: Zombies hitting from long distances and when not facing them.
flygamer1 set Category to category:items on T105602: Loot isn't respawning.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105512: Two story buildings randomly breaking legs.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105508: Can't use melee weapons when leg is broken.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105478: Quick bar always unresponsive.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105477: Zero gun policy.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T105476: Increase change from picking apples..
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T103573: Dead players loot not showing after killing them.
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T101836: Two story building randomly breaks legs and ruining everything inside pants,shoes and sometimes chest..
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
flygamer1 added a comment to T97429: Suggestion: Allow users to play as Zombies.
Fuck no
flygamer1 edited Steps To Reproduce on T96163: Punching sound wont stop.