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User Since
Mar 9 2013, 9:36 PM (629 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

ez0lv added a comment to T71224: Suggestion: Let the UAV turret controller control ATGMs..

Annoying, stupid and easy to fix. Do it BI.

May 10 2016, 5:39 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T70065: More Realistic Munition Guidance.

Thanks. Hope this gets reviewed soon too.

May 10 2016, 4:58 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T70065: More Realistic Munition Guidance.

OK. But the ticket that cyrilator linked (thank you) is definitely related to this.

May 10 2016, 4:58 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T70065: More Realistic Munition Guidance.

How do you add a relationship to another ticket? I don't see any option.

May 10 2016, 4:58 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv edited Steps To Reproduce on T70065: More Realistic Munition Guidance.
May 10 2016, 4:58 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv edited Steps To Reproduce on T70064: More Realistic Munition Guidance System.
May 10 2016, 4:58 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T65864: Targetting pods for aircraft.

Related ticket by me, I'm requesting the same, but also adding CCRP/CCIP system for dumb bombs, and JDAMS.

May 10 2016, 2:16 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T62693: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) integration.

People are getting off the tracks with using Mumble, what I meant by ridding of TS3 depedency was to get it to work without external applications, possibly using a interface for channel routing like rogerx detailed. That would be a massive step forward even without ACRE in mind, as missions could have more complex comms over vanilla, but not go as full on as ACRE.

May 10 2016, 12:12 AM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T62693: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) integration.

I think that rogerx's suggestion should be implemented as stock, but ACRE still should be implemented as a optional module.
The name of the game is simulation, and I want real radio comms, and so do many many others. If BIS should choose to implement ACRE they could rid it of its dependency of TS3, which is one of it's major weak points.

May 10 2016, 12:12 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

ez0lv added a comment to T61836: DAR Rockets and RPG rockets phase through solids! (well, air hangars).

Disregard, this was way back in the first builds, and was fixed already. My bad for not marking this resolved.

May 9 2016, 11:25 PM · Arma 3
ez0lv edited Steps To Reproduce on T61836: DAR Rockets and RPG rockets phase through solids! (well, air hangars).
May 9 2016, 11:25 PM · Arma 3
ez0lv added a comment to T59780: Continued power of boat without driver..

I agree with Valcea, for the RHIBs with tiller outboard motors the current boat throttle system is good, but on things like the military Speedboat and other medium-size boats the throttle should stick.

May 9 2016, 7:12 PM · Arma 3