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User Since
Jul 11 2014, 3:52 PM (555 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

en1mal added a comment to T100680: Experimental - primary attack stops working.

The issue is already reported, please vote the original report up:

May 10 2016, 11:28 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100671: new exp build 0.47 freezes for some seconds.

Good point, seems you are encountering a different problem, maybe they have the same source. Devs will sort this out. Upvoted.

May 10 2016, 11:28 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100671: new exp build 0.47 freezes for some seconds.

Please vote this up:

Your problem is already acknowledged by the devs.

May 10 2016, 11:28 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100515: [Experimental 0.47] Zeds in vicinity cause significant lag and freezes.

Experienced something similar. As soon as zeds are in the perimeter and chase you, everything starts to delay (eating, BANDAGING, drinking etc).

It seems the Server does not know where you are, Zombie is chasing you to a spot,
you've been 30 seconds before, but OFC he can hit you, so hes 100m away and hits
the air, you'll get damage.

Had multiple freezes in a row, not in every session. Not only when chased by zeds.

May 10 2016, 11:23 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100479: Nav Mesh Bug.

Supermarket backdoors you can add to the list. When the server is under heavy load zeds walk through walls too.

May 10 2016, 11:22 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100474: Items will randomly disappear from your inventory.

It happens with all items placed on the bottom of your backpack that are 2x2 or bigger.

May 10 2016, 11:22 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T100428: Skinning cows and boars with the machete not working.

I skinned and quartered a Boar in EXP 0.47.124558 and crafted a leather backpack successfully.

To the machete, i think its intended, even if it makes no sense, but a machete could probably be not sharp/thin enough for this kind of action.

May 10 2016, 11:20 PM · DayZ
en1mal edited Steps To Reproduce on T100427: Melee does not work until relog, after spamming it for a short period..
May 10 2016, 11:20 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T95649: Sawn-off shotgun deleted from inventory upon logging in.

Had the same problem 0.46 EXP - Had a ammo box at the bottom of the hunting backpack. I didnt even noticed until i rewatched my own footage, ammo box got replaced and rearranged by other items in the backpack.

May 10 2016, 8:38 PM · DayZ
en1mal added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

Supermarket backdoors you can add to the list. When the server is under heavy load zeds walk through walls too. This is from EXP with the new Navmesh

May 10 2016, 1:16 PM · DayZ