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- User Since
- Mar 10 2014, 11:34 AM (575 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
can you get me out?
i can't find my id, but this is my profile:
i am on a public regular server
gonna try that. but still it's not a feature :)
loot looks ok to me, it's not as much as before, but it is enough to get you started. i have more problems with the missing zeds
found some more houses where this happened. for example that with th closed gate in front of the upstairs.
i cannot grant that it was a multiplay server, but removing the -dologs parameter did it. i just wonder why this happened out of the blue while it worked before.
yeah, i had to do it finally ;).. i was starving on the totally looted experimental server when i saw another player. but if i'd known that the curu doesn't work, i wouldn't have eaten him
should definately be fixed :)
on the favourites list it tells me there are players. even with varying numbers on refresh. in the server list i get zero... i just wonder why there are no informations found about it. or maybe i searched the wrong places
i'got this, too. since yesterday i am not able to join any 0.53 servers. be it 1st or 1st/3rd person... this is frustrating
happens for me, too. on a win7 64bit with gfx460 as well as on a win8 64bit gtx650... latest drivers from nvidia on both.
me, too. just reported with the dump files attached
May 10 2016
i can confirm that it has been fixed in the 0.46 experimental branch
i have a video of it. i just need to scale it down to an uploadable size...
sure, thats what I did, i was referring to my lousy internet connection :)
here you go:
ok, i have uploaded the files here:
and i add the dxdiag file above
fyi: after updating to nvidia beta driver 337.50 the crashes seem to be gone.
yesterday i met 10 players. only one tried to shot me from the distance. the other 9 where friendly and i had a great experience of the game. but i'd be happe to find more experimental servers, cause its really hard to join
well, this is what makes the game interesting. its like it would be in real life as well. there are always badasses who abuse the situation. and how would you accomplish this? no friendly fire? i think this should not change. it is good as it is. sure sometimes its sad if you got up to a nice state. but well. obeye your setting i guess
hm, it happens quite some times again. specially when in heavy situations this is bad, because you get killed for sure :) ... sadly i get no usable error messages
just things like this, reported by windows:
Problemereignisame: AppHangB1
Anwendungsname: DayZ.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 53356d40
Absturzsignatur: 27bb
Absturztyp: 0
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1: 27bb24eed6d4ada0f45b38d87d8d1859
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2: d71b
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3: d71bfaa8c6c4234edd5271c5a09527b2
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4: 27bb
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5: 27bb24eed6d4ada0f45b38d87d8d1859
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6: d71b
Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7: d71bfaa8c6c4234edd5271c5a09527b2