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User Since
Dec 17 2013, 1:53 PM (585 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

dzemboc77 added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

This happened to me, I was at Balota, Found a balistics vest and some other items, Logged out to switch server and join my friend spawned on the coast.

May 10 2016, 7:10 PM · DayZ
dzemboc77 added a comment to T86784: Invisible zombies.

I could hear them but I will have to stop tonight and verify that they can hit you, I'm sure its a thing and would make sence with the zombies sounds now.

May 10 2016, 2:43 PM · DayZ
dzemboc77 added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

Saw this issue as well. I was in Berzino and had no issues really but in electro and Cherno big drop in fps.

May 10 2016, 2:09 PM · DayZ
dzemboc77 added a comment to T86665: Some players able to use global VOIP.

this happend to me as well. I think this needs to be a high priority as it ruins the game. The first time I joined someone was stuck and it was just them breathing, chewing, ect. Very annoying almost made me want to quit right then and there. This went out for 5min before I left to another server.

May 10 2016, 2:08 PM · DayZ
dzemboc77 added a comment to T86571: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises.

Saw this as well, granted it was dark so I can not be 100% but I would hear zombies in the middle of the woods like they were next to me , but see nothing at all even ran around trying to find them and nothing.

May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
dzemboc77 added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

This happened to me, I was at Balota, Found a balistics vest and some other items, Logged out to switch server and join my friend spawned on the coast.

May 10 2016, 1:17 PM · DayZ