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- User Since
- Dec 23 2013, 11:36 AM (584 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
My friend can running vault successfully every time, but me its always switching walk or run vault when i walk or run. Sometimes i can jump while walking or jump while running. I dont know what it is. But it is annoying because if you are running from someone or something it could easily get you killed.
I fell through the floor in a building in novy sobor. 2nd floor. I was sitting there looking a a coke about to pick it up. Bam i fell and died instantly. Body was outside. My friend saw the whole thing.
Mine isn't that bad but every min for a sec or two the servers lags. Everyone i know feels it too.
Yes i have defended myself against a man, and killed him and he disappeared right when he fell to the ground.
The 7.62 ammo brown box, this happened to me as well. It was on the table and I emptied it so I could use it for my mosin, and the ammo disappeared completely.
A friend of mine had an invisible zombie on him that chased us for miles. It kept hitting him when we stopped so we hopped servers to get away from it. He was bleeding to death. Good thing we got out of there when we did.
What felix said, you have to baby sit the inventory right now, after filling one bottle, empty hands then drag new empty bottle in your hands, works all the time for me.
I fell through the floor and died instantly:(. 5 day character and that kills me. Alpha expected.
I currently believe its in the right spot. Here is what you have to do. When you drink and eat food, don't just take one bite or drink one sip. You need to hydrate yourself and eat well. Drink like 15 times from a well and eat 2 or 3 cans of food. I rarely ever see the hunger or thirst status because i am well fed and hydrated. And if you run 5 clicks straight to your next town i guarantee you will be thirsty. When you start off you are a little thirsty and hungry. Just find food and water and eat past the status.