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- Aug 7 2014, 4:54 AM (551 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
and by how old, I mean, how long they have survived.
Great idea. I like it. BUT, there is a catch.
(thinking of a PvP scenario) Solo players must ALL wait out the reload - that is fine. But what about multiple people playing together, team/clan/squad style? 1 (or more) on gun, and another (or more) reloading. Giving the gunner access to preloaded magazines, essentially the same as it is now. Except one person must load their own and wait that out, while the other has access to preloaded mags. Could give an advantage to those who play in a team/clan/squad, and like to engage in PvP, and a disadvantage for those who like to solo play, and also engage in PvP. The way it is now, is an open playing field, I understand not as realistic, but equal for all.
And yes, in theory, we can all team/clan/squad up, and roll with others. But thats almost forcing team play, when this game is more than enjoyable solo.
Edit: Perhaps a timer, 5 minutes? added to mags, so they cannot be picked up, let alone loaded, by another player if theyre still "hot". Timer of some sort would be necessary, to avoid the above mentioned tactic being ran by teams/clans/squads.
damn :( seems it happens a little more often than i expected, I've only seen one, one hit zombie in about 250 hrs of play. I logged into my, played daily, 3 week old char, to a zombie attacking me. Ruined my vest and everything in it, took Chest down to Worn too. Was in the middle of nowhere. Now I'm fearful to log in, but thats the whole idea. It's just taken zombie threat to a whole new level!
Must just be the occasional MEGA ZOMBIE :O
imo, they need to get their own model, instead of looking like another normal zombie (joke, i know its not intended)
This isn't my video, nor is it me playing. But this is the culprit Z and what she looks like. (must of been a fashion craze happening in Chernarus!)
yeah, castle black hasnt had any loot at it this whole week either. i want my tent alreadyyyyy :P
(i know, i might not always be the first there, but when im there after a restart, and nada, i know somethings off)
im calling the whole report a fake. dont tell lies in order to get better gear, the 75 mag for the 101 just doesnt exist, so however you had 3, is beyond me.
this is the only magazine available to the ak-101 currently:
dont make fake bug reports sending the devs barking up a fake tree, it wastes everybodies time, they could be fixing real bugs.
May 10 2016
i thought it was intended, considering you can do the same with wells.
macros arent exactly legit, youre using 3rd party software to emulate key presses. that is cheating, no matter how you look at it. if you cant press the key as fast as the macro does, you have an advantage over others. thats the bottom line.
bullets penetrate, would leave small holes behind in clothing. z's claw and grab, possibly ripping clothing. i do see the difference in the 2 forms of damage, but it is a bit extreme. i expect a bullet to damage me, but leave my clothes relatively undamaged, while a z, ripping and clawing at me, should rip my clothes up fairly fast, but damage me little.
mist3r - I have no issues playing with my partner on our network. I dont think this is a common issue.
Please try adding what I posted above, adding that parameter to the launch options, and reporting back with how you went.
My partner and I both play DayZ SA on the same network, and of course seperate accounts. Her launch parameters are stock, but I have edited mine. As Accolyte mentioned, that change to launch options should do the trick.
My added parameter is:
/clientport 80
which has been described to help with desync issues. not sure it is entirely related, but considering we're in the same boat as you (playing on the same network) it may be a reason why my partner and I can play on the same network, and you cannot. Give Accolytes step a shot first, if nothing is fixed, give mine a go. And report back when you have a result.