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- User Since
- Aug 6 2013, 9:14 AM (607 w, 11 h)
May 11 2016
No problem, but the program then could use more ram.
What i would like to see is some sort of auto save. when you crash. you can not go back to your previous save. But every time you quit the game or the hardcore game mode, it saves. So that you don't have to do every mission over when you quit the game. It would be how it is now with the continue space program but without the save option in the menu.
that info could be represented in the mission log instead of a consoly popup.
it takes away the immersion and simulation feel of the game i.m.o.
In since one measurement is no measurement, you always have to do more measurements to be precise.
Something like that could be implemented i hope.
remove popup window. and give results in a document style in the command center.
landing the rover is a preprogrammed event, in real life it would be to difficult to land the probe by hand. Would love some landing errors tho. Now it lands almost with pin point accuracy.
to cky2250....This would be awesome.
They should focus on rovers and since stuff first.