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Dec 28 2013, 5:19 AM (581 w, 4 d)

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May 11 2016

alxx added a comment to T115343: Separate hive issue.

Hi, I can't confirm for 0.59.130937 as I did not opt into experimental. But all the above happened before I saw servers with 0.59.130937. I might be mistaken, and I'm sorry I can't follow up with steps to reproduce. Since now there's also the 0.59.131009 patch, you might want to close this issue.

(Happy holidays!)

May 11 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T115343: Separate hive issue.

Am really confused now. Was kicked from server Dayz SJ 2-12 (with the original newui gear) or it rebooted, then joined server Dayz SNG-01 and got my "oldui fresh spawn character".

Is there any way the server browser shows public hive but it's really private instead?

May 11 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T115343: Separate hive issue.

It's clear now that it's not an issue regarding the new or old UI, and I've amended my summary accordingly.

Joined another server to test things out (my usual home server) and it's loading my first character since .59 was released. On these servers I get a text box on the right side of screen saying "cannot connect to central hive | -15 0 or -42 0" amongst other messages I've not seen before (I've only been playing stable branches recently).

So that proves DayZ SNG-01 (IP address has my character on a different hive but reports that it's public.

May 11 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
alxx set Category to category:characters on T115343: Separate hive issue.
May 11 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T110203: Error: "Error putting item in your hands".

I faced this with a cooking pot in .59 stable. With items inside the pot (filled with water and 4 items in cargo), I put this pot A into my hands and thereafter cannot remove the item without a relog. Same message "Error putting item in your hands" and "unable to pickup item" when interacting with other items on ground.

Found another pot, it was empty and I tried to drink from it. Seems to be fine, and I can remove the item from my hands. So it appears to be an issue with having items in cargo?

May 11 2016, 5:11 AM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T107663: Dead Upon Bumping Into a Parked V3S.

Engine was off, same issue exactly as this--parked in woods, came back after 12 hours approx. (probably 6 restarts), heard the sliding sound, dead.

Respawned and found a stranger in Berezino driving around. Wiggled to him and he stopped for me. Approaching the truck passenger cabin door and screen went black. Dead, and then funny enough I hear the guy scream out "OMG I'm dead".

May 11 2016, 3:43 AM · DayZ
alxx set Category to category:playerstuck on T107265: Stuck in boulder / rocks.
May 11 2016, 3:30 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

alxx added a comment to T94686: Loud rustle noise when spawning..

Mine happens with the revolver reloading, similar to issue 0008106

May 10 2016, 8:02 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T94531: Random static when the Mosin chambers a bullet..

I concur that it's the Magnum revolver, I have a shotgun and Magnum in a Hardcore server, reloading with a speedloader or rounds always causes the VERY loud static to go off (my ears hurt, even when logging in due to the reloading sounds upon spawn).

-Windows 7 64-bit
-hardcore character, not tested in regular because that one doesn't have a revolver.

May 10 2016, 7:57 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T90094: Boat and character derezzed/disappeared.

(repost of another note on a similar bugreport)

I clipped through (while lagging and running forward) the top deck starboard side wall, falling to my death. This was at the centre of the ship.

May 10 2016, 5:21 PM · DayZ
alxx added a comment to T88581: Crashed cargo ship's steam stack not colliding properly.

I clipped through (while lagging and running forward) the top deck starboard side wall, falling to my death. This was at the centre of the ship.

May 10 2016, 4:26 PM · DayZ