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Separate hive issue
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Played the new .59 stable with newui for a while, got some unimportant gear.

Later, launched DayZ with oldui and got a fresh spawn.

A third time, relogged and found my newui character with the unimportant gear.

All servers joined were public, 3PP.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried

Event Timeline

alxx set Category to category:characters.Dec 13 2015, 9:43 AM
alxx set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
alxx set Severity to None.
alxx set Resolution to Open.
alxx set Legacy ID to 3180814950.May 9 2016, 12:14 AM
alxx added a subscriber: alxx.
alxx added a comment.Dec 13 2015, 6:28 PM

Am really confused now. Was kicked from server Dayz SJ 2-12 (with the original newui gear) or it rebooted, then joined server Dayz SNG-01 and got my "oldui fresh spawn character".

Is there any way the server browser shows public hive but it's really private instead?

alxx added a comment.Dec 13 2015, 6:47 PM

It's clear now that it's not an issue regarding the new or old UI, and I've amended my summary accordingly.

Joined another server to test things out (my usual home server) and it's loading my first character since .59 was released. On these servers I get a text box on the right side of screen saying "cannot connect to central hive | -15 0 or -42 0" amongst other messages I've not seen before (I've only been playing stable branches recently).

So that proves DayZ SNG-01 (IP address has my character on a different hive but reports that it's public.

Hi alxx,

This could very well be due to the server DayZ SNG-01 being on the Experimental branch and not the Stable branch. Regardless if Experimental and Stable branch running the same version number, the characters are still saved in different databases. Right now though, Experimental branch is 0.59.130937 and Stable branch is 0.59.130861.

Can you confirm if your character is still the same if you stick to servers with either version 0.59.130937 or 0.59.130861 (and as long as it's on the Public hive for example)?


alxx added a comment.Dec 21 2015, 8:10 PM

Hi, I can't confirm for 0.59.130937 as I did not opt into experimental. But all the above happened before I saw servers with 0.59.130937. I might be mistaken, and I'm sorry I can't follow up with steps to reproduce. Since now there's also the 0.59.131009 patch, you might want to close this issue.

(Happy holidays!)

@Geez maybe close this ticket