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- User Since
- Apr 13 2022, 6:03 PM (151 w, 5 d)
Jul 11 2022
@Hunterz thanks! will check it in few dayz and reply :)
Jul 2 2022
Jun 8 2022
Hi @Geez !
Thanks a lot - now I defenetly know that problem is somewhere on my local machine and will investigate it deep.
I've got exactly what I was asking, and, for sure, task can be closed (I don't have this button)
May 27 2022
Also, it will be nice, if there will be arguments to set required area - default is fullscreen, but it can be very possible, that only some area of screenshot is required, so most performace way - not to get full sceen (op1), write result to file (op2) read result file (03) excract required area (op4), save result to file (05), but get required rectangle as 1st BitBlt(/whaever) called (op1) and save to file (op2), or even maybe some flags, to keep screenshot in memory, without saving to file (can imagine such mods easy - polaroid camera)
May 23 2022
p.s. "search drive C for *.dds", not *.dss (it's typo), and I don't have other drives - C is only one in system.
Hi @Geez
My currenct code where I'm using it is a bit complex, so to simplify and check again - I created simplest mod, as described in with example of overriding player jump method, with one change - here I put screenshots tests, so it looks like:
May 15 2022
I published MoreAdminLogs mod source code on github - if DayZ developers want include it into production - it will be very nice :)
May 13 2022
May 9 2022
After weekends of learning modding, I developed my own solution:
This is server-side mod with more logs.
It write logs into ADM files, using GetGame().AdminLog() so server should be started with -adminLog option.
Mod is configured via serverDZ.cfg (main server config) file, and allows print logs in human readable or json formats for automated parsers.
Not everything works fine, but in my opinion there are all minimum-required logs..
May 5 2022
Having another tiket ( as nice example want to pop task up :)
For example, having logs on "user craft" and "item move" may give clear vision on reason of player death (logout with restrained hands)