There are some actions, don't have m_Text field defined.
This is list of actions, I found and redefined in my mod, but may be there are more.
modded class ActionLoadMagazineQuick { void ActionLoadMagazineQuick() { m_Text = "#load_magazine_quick"; } } modded class ActionMineBush { void ActionMineBush() { m_Text = "#mine_bush"; } } modded class ActionMineBushByHand { void ActionMineBushByHand() { m_Text = "#mine_bush_hands"; } } modded class ActionMineTree { void ActionMineTree() { m_Text = "#mine_tree"; } } modded class ActionMineTreeBark { void ActionMineTreeBark() { m_Text = "#mine_tree_bark"; } }; modded class ActionEmptyCookingPot { void ActionEmptyCookingPot() { m_Text = "#empty"; } }; modded class ActionDeployHuntingTrap { void ActionDeployHuntingTrap() { m_Text = "#deploy_hunting_trap"; } } modded class ActionBandageBase { void ActionBandageBase() { m_Text = "#bandage"; } } modded class ActionDefibrilateBase { void ActionDefibrilateBase() { m_Text = "#defebrilate"; } } modded class ActionCarDoors { void ActionCarDoors() { m_Text = "#car_door_inside"; } } modded class ActionCarDoorsOutside { void ActionCarDoorsOutside() { m_Text = "#car_door_outside"; } } modded class ActionToggleNVG { void ActionToggleNVG() { m_Text = "#toggleNVG"; } } modded class ActionTurnOffHeadtorch { void ActionTurnOffHeadtorch() { m_Text = "#headtorch_off"; } } modded class ActionTurnOffHelmetFlashlight { void ActionTurnOffHelmetFlashlight() { m_Text = "#helmet_flashlight_off"; } } modded class ActionTurnOnHeadtorch { void ActionTurnOnHeadtorch() { m_Text = "#headtorch_on"; } } modded class ActionTurnOnHelmetFlashlight { void ActionTurnOnHelmetFlashlight() { m_Text = "#helmet_flashlight_on"; } } modded class ActionUnfoldEntity { void ActionUnfoldEntity() { m_Text = "#unfold"; } } modded class FirearmActionDetachMagazine { void FirearmActionDetachMagazine() { m_Text = "#detach_magazine"; } } modded class FirearmActionDetachMagazine_Old { void FirearmActionDetachMagazine_Old() { m_Text = "#detach_magazine_old"; } } modded class FirearmActionMechanicManipulate { void FirearmActionMechanicManipulate() { m_Text = "#hands_manipulate"; } } modded class FirearmActionUnjam { void FirearmActionUnjam() { m_Text = "#firearm_unjam"; } } modded class FirearmActionAttachMagazine { void FirearmActionAttachMagazine() { m_Text = "#attach_magazine"; } } modded class FirearmActionAttachMagazineQuick { void FirearmActionAttachMagazineQuick() { m_Text = "#attach_magazine_quick"; } } modded class FirearmActionBase { void FirearmActionBase() { m_Text = "#firearm_action"; } }
action ActionWorldCraft returns "human readable text, not hashteg", my fix:
modded class ActionWorldCraft { override string GetText() { return "#craft_recipe"; } }