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- User Since
- May 6 2021, 4:24 PM (202 w, 4 d)
Jun 24 2024
Please address this issue as it is causing quite a bit of grief for many players.
Feb 24 2023
@Geez can you give us some idea of what the priority level of this issue is? According to the announcement in the forums it is not even on the list of items being looked at:
This is unfathomable to many of us who are losing players every day because of this. Some assurance that there is a path to resolving it along with an estimate of when it will be resolved would go a long way toward calming down the hysteria.
Feb 22 2023
Not only is it not fixed, it's not even "being looked into" according to their own announcement:
Feb 20 2023
Feb 19 2023
What is being done about servers not found in the browser/launcher? I have two servers that I am paying for that are not found when searching with either the name or IP addresses. The servers are found using DZSA and are listed in the steam API. So there is nothing wrong with the servers. Clearly I'm not the only one having this problem. The population of my servers has dropped drastically because of this. As of 13 Feb we are told the problem is being looked into. Please share with us what has been discovered so far.
Jul 6 2022
Jun 29 2022
Command line:
-ip=x.x.x.x -port=2302 -profiles=c:\...\Admin -bepath=c:\...\Battleye -config=serverDZ.cfg -adminlog -dologs -freezecheck "-mod=@CF;@VanillaPlusPlusMap;@Code Lock;@Free Helicopters;@Hummer_Armored;@IRP-Land-Rover-Defender-110;@basic Ear Plugs;@BuildEverywhere;@Airdrop-Upgraded;@Gas-Pump-Refueling;@Radioactive Animals;@CabinZ;@DeerIsle;@SchanaModGlobalChat;@Raft;@MuchStuffPack" "-servermod=@SkyFall"
When it's working "normally", it creates a new DayZServer_x64.ADM each time the server is restarted. I just now restarted the server manually and it created a new file. The previous file is named: DayZServer_x64_2022_06_28_224130454.ADM and contains the heading: AdminLog started on 2022-06-28 at 10:19:28
Jun 28 2022
Hi Geez,
Jun 27 2022
May 10 2021
May 6 2021
I have the same issue. Crash when I exit the game. {F2304903}