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- User Since
- Dec 10 2022, 6:08 AM (116 w, 2 d)
Jul 4 2024
Jun 11 2024
Having a Weapon Muzzle Config Event version of the SlotItemChanged event handler would allow you to focus on the attachment changes for a specific weapon as opposed to having to listen to every change on the unit in order to find the event you're looking for. This would be extremely useful in cases where weapon classes must change in order to provide new animations that fit with the attachments added, similar to how RHS does their foregrip system.
Having a Weapon Muzzle Config Event version of the Weapon Changed event handler could prove to be useful in specifying scripts to run only when a specific weapon's muzzles are switched between as opposed to having to listen to every change on a unit and filtering them out.
Jun 8 2024
It seems that this eventhandler is currently not able to be given to a weapon class like reloaded or fired can. Here is what I was testing:
May 14 2024
With this addition becoming a reality, is there any chance of seeing WeaponSlotItemChanged set up for the magazine half of this request?
Jan 5 2024
Any chance anyone has gotten an opportunity to have a deeper look into this to see whether it may be possible? I did some further testing, as I had a feeling perhaps the _SKY suffix may have something to do with it. Unfortunately, it appears that is not the case, as my attempts to replace any _SKY horizont files with _CA files resulted in similar issues, just without transparency.