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- User Since
- May 6 2015, 3:15 AM (512 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
TerminalIllness added a comment to T113778: F10 + F11 - Right click animation to suicide with improvised knife or stone..
Just adding, you can do this glitch regardless of whether or not you have anything in your hands.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:ingameui on T111102: "I have stopped skinning" when cancelling cutting an ashwood branch off.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:environment on T111002: V3S engine undercarriage/engine shaking when V3S is off.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:items on T110999: Weapon has no attachments if automatically equipped.
TerminalIllness added a comment to T110998: 0.56, CRITICAL - Cannot mend anything with the leather sewing kit.
You're trying to mend items that are incompatible with the leather sewing kit. As far as I've noticed though, you are unable to mend the proper items with a leather sewing kit.
TerminalIllness added a comment to T110983: Tent is closed, yet only the "Close tent" dialog appears.
Adding this note, I've just logged back in today and I was able to open the tent.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:structures on T110983: Tent is closed, yet only the "Close tent" dialog appears.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:items on T110847: Under no circumstances am I able to craft rags.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:weapons on T110846: "The weapon is already full" when the weapon is empty.
TerminalIllness added a comment to T110845: Press fire button and gun keeps firing untill empty, even when button released..
This also happens to melee weapons. Happens randomly, the game just acts as if I am constantly spamming/holding down left click.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:items on T110771: Gloves pulled off of a dead player have caused invisible extremities.
TerminalIllness set Category to category:controls on T110767: Cannot exit freelook after logging in.
TerminalIllness edited Steps To Reproduce on T110669: Throwing shovel causes player unconsciousness.
TerminalIllness edited Steps To Reproduce on T110629: Reloading icon for IZH-43 shotgun pellet snaploader appears when weapon is loaded.