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- User Since
- Jul 16 2013, 12:20 AM (607 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
While I like how much thought and energy you are trying to put into 'bettering' DayZ, I dont believe a system like this can ever fly.
It is just not possible to properly implement something like this in a universal way.
Just think about the group of 'bandits' that moves around together.. they will perform all kinds of 'heroic' deeds on each other too..
Or the other extreme, a player who miraculously manages to kill the entire group that tried to ambush him in self defense..
And and and..
And personaly I dont think that it would be an improvement for the game. Anyone should be free to do whatever they want to do, with no system that tries to lead you into any direction what so ever..
So, a thumbs up from me for the work you put into a well presented feature suggestion.. but also a downvote due to impraticality and because of my opinion that a feature like this has no place in DayZ.
Should be combined with
Have you tried it on different servers?
You probably joined a "1st person only / 3rp person off" server.
Many have it in the server name now, either "3PP:ON" or "3PP:OFF".
While the third person perspective gives you a nice RPG feel, it also allows people to lay on rooftops, invisible to other players, while being able to scout the area and make out possible prey.
That is the main reason why many people prefer the "first person only / 3PP:OFF" servers.
The 030113933 build is still "pending" at this time.
The version is still 925.
You can also just right click once without a weapon in your hand.
At least this fixed it for me and my buddies so far.
This is a known issue with low priority at the moment.
Soda/Food sounds are played at the wrong / extremely long distance. As for the zombies: Zombie sounds are sometimes played instead of ambient animal sounds.
They are in the process of putting two new team members to work specifically on sound alone (sound designer and programmer).
Attaching a screenshot of the interior of a house at the North-East corner of Zelenogorsk where i found burried loot by accident.
Loot spawn "should" be around the center of the screenshot.
1 of the items was a T-Shirt, so not that small.. but not visible at all.
Confirming what HellDuke stated:
The 5 Story apartment buildings have ALL their loot offset by approximatly 5cm.
Added screenshots above.
- attached screenshot of the house in Drozhino -
Added screenshot of the mentioned position
Another interesting "malfunction" of the lamp (which should actually have been added here):
Look at the screenshots in bug report 0005395
The light is cast fine for a player further away from the player holding the lamp. When he comes closer however, the light disappears.
May 9 2016
Adding here because it seems to be the closest issue to it:
9 out of 10 times, the video player on the second monitor crashes when either
- starting Arma3
- tabbing back into Arma3 (when it was one of the times it didnt crash it on launch)
This is very annoying for us "I dont need a TV, I have multiple Monitors" people.. even more so when working in the Editor and having to tab in and out often.
I am using VLC media player 2.0.7 Twoflower (current version to this date).
I checked if it is a new issue with the player first, since there was an update not too long ago:
It still works fine with all the other games/fullscreen applications, only ArmA3 crashes it (with great reliability :/ )