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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 5:14 AM (626 w, 3 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Spruten edited Steps To Reproduce on T61001: Machine Gun Rate of Fire Varies with the Current Frame Rate.
Spruten edited Steps To Reproduce on T60991: Cancel Loading of "Continue" or "Preview" Mission.
Spruten edited Steps To Reproduce on T60981: Door Opening Direction Icon.
Spruten added a comment to T59478: Character getting stuck when attempting to climb stairs..
I have also found a set of stairs which cannot be climbed while in any crouched position (low, standard or high). It is in Agia Marina on the side of the building at the editor XYZ position (2987, 6066, 7). I have uploaded a picture of the building. I can always reproduce this.
Spruten added a comment to T59442: Lowered weapon Movement Bug.
Sorry, I uploaded a file to the issue in the wrong tab.
Spruten added a comment to T59200: Choppy anims while walking and shooting a full auto weapon.
While shooting from the fast pace, the character should switch to the slow pace until he stops shooting, and then resume the fast pace.
Spruten added a comment to T58951: Bad positional audio makes it nearly impossible to estimate distance and direction by sound.
I have even heard a gunshot as if I was standing next to the shooter while flying low in the helicopters showcase mission.
Spruten added a comment to T58558: Unsinkable fish.
Shouldn't dead fish rise, not sink?