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Oct 4 2014, 5:46 PM (546 w, 6 d)

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May 10 2016

Split_0x added a comment to T83444: ATGM, Radar, Smoke - Need polishing for better teamplay experience - light armor oriented.

Ok dude I'm trying to make a clear point, thanks for participating.

May 10 2016, 11:38 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T83444: ATGM, Radar, Smoke - Need polishing for better teamplay experience - light armor oriented.

I've edited my feedback with suggestion#number, then now can you tell me which one would you think relevant or not please (:

May 10 2016, 11:38 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x edited Steps To Reproduce on T83444: ATGM, Radar, Smoke - Need polishing for better teamplay experience - light armor oriented.
May 10 2016, 11:38 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T82993: Kajman AFM stall crash because of not enough lift power.

It did happen every time, I was surprised to find such an obvious issue, let's hope it was only Steam files corruption.

Cannot comply at the moment, A3 is uninstalled for now.
Thank you, sorry for not responding fast.

Edit reinstalled Arma3 and it seems to be ok. Except autohover which lead to crash.
Edit2 According to youtube very few pilots use afm for kajman. Friend told me to give it a longer try, now I can't fly without.
I don't know how to record yet.
I won't feel offensed if you close it.

May 10 2016, 11:22 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x edited Steps To Reproduce on T82993: Kajman AFM stall crash because of not enough lift power.
May 10 2016, 11:22 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

Just my 2 cent,
You forgot price of free press add in pcgamer and Frankie's vid

May 10 2016, 7:03 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T74106: Female soldiers models should be available in the game.

This is very important to me that I don't play a game that sits on stereotips!

Ok Us Army may not have tons of female shooters, but on the other side not making advertisment of What women can do won't make the future change. Arma 3 seems to be set in future...
It's not obvious from itself why "women" should be fighting as men in Arma 3.
When you have friends that works on gender equality, you do understand that most of our present understanding of gender is due to our education and mostly "conditionnement". Ie what leads to stereotips.
Arma can be a modern game.
During 40's there were few women that were able to pilot the Spitfire. Those women were only allowed to convoy the plane from factories to airstrips. Even if Britain was running low on pilots in good state.
Women are not weaker than men, women can have bigger experience of pain than men, also they can behave differently (for our century) and tend to be wiser manager than men... It's just like any hypocrit racial argument, how can you behave the same when your cultural background is different. It sounds like someone says women have less iq because they are less often high graduated than men. Depending on which side of the atlantic you're from, this is freespeech or sexism comment (not to mention trolling on such a subject is clearly disrespect) Assuming this I won't blame you. Sry for politic being off topic.

In fact, as in august 2015 it is critical to avoid gender issues because it is actually discussed over public debates. (speaking about northern/western countries prob not Russia idk) So BIS is making a light antipolitical mistake by gaining time over this feature. Then BIS only decide when it should be economicaly ok for adding(as if only money matters). As mentioned above Devs won't start from scratch as they can use voice and basic face skin from previous Arma iteration. Nobody wants a bad game without gender issue. Hopefuly Arma 3, even if not a strong as Arma 2, is far from a bad game! (:
Except epoch I've never played a female toon in 1200h gametime.
Vanilla Rpg is totally unrealistic, does 2035 the year of female mass extinction.

Why women don't fight? Because they cook!!! "We can do it"...

May 10 2016, 7:03 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T73283: Opening joystick config in game results in joystick disappearing as input option.

Windows 8.1 and I cry each time I've forgotten to bind a key on my joystick...
Logitech Extreme 3d pro (software from them useless), Usb is in power mode(but exact same issue as reported).

May 10 2016, 6:36 AM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T72843: Anti-Aircraft vehicles ineffective against combat aircraft.

++Pls think on removing and nerfing ATGM from multiplayer gameplay (:
ATGM, aka "Anti To Ground Missile" or DAGR "Directional Air to Ground Rocket" or Titan;
are fun to kill with at the first try.
They do shoot far away (depending of your object distance parameter relative to the server). They can shoot far far away... like 5 km without trouble.

These toys rarely miss,
Even in dense vegetation. Specially when the shooter is way above the ground, ie 1km high.

I don't think balancing will help having people playing Wasteland like in the old dayz. It's too late, maybe not for the new extension over pacific

These toys all have thermics
, which is not a bad idea at first glance.

These toys don't warn
when being targeted with, most of grounds don't have iR detector or similar stuff.

These toys cannot be dodged
, exept by cover, because you cannot use smoking device and ran away (Only driver knows when to drop smoke flares, not commander) Only air vehicules can dodge Ground to Air device.

These toys are fire and forget style

These toys don't require any skill to shoot,
not even standing by

Radars which are totally OP,
helps to shoot flawlessly to the right spot.

You cannot shoot below 50m with Titans

This is general Arma3 feedback;
Let's discuss about more specific popular gamemode.
Wasteland/Epoch and those trader style: Launchers are damn cheap, you can always buy one with starting funds. No need to do missions.

King of the Hill: These toys are damn cheap. At least you don't have it since 1st level! With a launcher you can kill any tank that is not a Slammer. Otherwise you may need like 3 rockets max

ATGM rockets integrates iR designator plus explosive charge, which make any noob with these toys OP. I don't mean vehicule should be indestructible; but lot of vehicule are useless because of zero survivabilty in battlegrounds... aka APC (personnal carrier) and IFV (anti troops tanks) Wasteland was fun One year ago because servers where fullfiled of noobs. Now anyone knows how to press the magic key; and they know it's 1 shot kill.
Riding a 50kmh vehicule is not always fun.

My suggestion?

Make launchers as a teamplay asset that always need a designator. So it won't be able to shoot (fire n forget) moving targets.

Nerf Radars to 60 to 120° max, for most of vehicules.

Radar should be a commander seat asset(because Cmd are called noob seat and useless) so it shouldn't pop if not used.

We need jamming possibilities and e-war counter mesures like IFF jammer. Like Blackfoot should be a professionnal killing tool, not the noob's best friend (Thank Armagod it's hard to fly at tree line =D )

I really understand that Arma3 was launched as Alpha, and it was a good thing because BI needed solid funding campaign after bad press of A2, BUT now we need advanced features and more of all:
I don't want low quality desynced mods, I suggest solid vanilla stuff.
I also really understand that Rockets are a Battlefield commercial asset to keep noobs being interested into gameplay, but now there is a solid community over A3 (:

May 10 2016, 6:23 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Split_0x added a comment to T60186: You should be able to move while changing weapons.

Lot of work done since Arma 2! It's much more noob friendly animation and gameplay.

The thing is: One (1) and Two (2) are forced hotkey to change weapons, if you ever misclic during close combat, it"s over ^^

May 9 2016, 9:34 PM · Arma 3
Split_0x added a comment to T59631: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers.

light 800 MHz OC did help a bit for fluidity (not fps). This is obvious as you can read here through the benchmark
i7 2600k running at 20-25 fps at end game of full KOTH, no in game lag (piloting is reactive). The boring part is, I must use Samatra menu each time I change of playstyle to optimise visibility/pvp

May 9 2016, 7:06 PM · Arma 3