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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 6:08 PM (624 w, 2 d)
Jun 5 2017
Jun 4 2017
Dec 2 2016
Nov 2 2016
Oct 21 2016
Jul 23 2016
To expand on this; I just did some further testing of how getDLC works. It appears that getDLCs does correctly return each player's owned and unowned DLC (including marksman and helicopters) when executed globally on a server. However, there is no way to provide an additional argument to getDLCs to specify the player to getDLC of. This may be due to a lack of knowledge, but this means I cannot figure out how to get the owned DLC of each player using a loadout script (F3 framework gear script) without somehow creating a list of DLC beforehand and passing that to the gearscript.
Jun 19 2016
Jun 11 2016
Jun 8 2016
Have not had this problem. Try going to controls, and then controllers, then make sure the Trackir is enabled.
Jun 1 2016
May 10 2016
I tested it facing the other direction so the waves would be hitting the left side, and it still sank that way
May 9 2016
The devs have already stated that they want to work on this for the full game.
Edit: I was just playing and found some animation files of aiming a weapon while on the side of a chopper (Seemingly the littlebird.) So keep up hope everyone!