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Two keys can no longer be used at the same time with one as "Use Selected Action"
New, NormalPublic


Previously, if you were to bind a key or button to the "Use Selected Action" command, you were able to use it for other purposes when the action menu was not open. For example, how it is default in the Arma 2 control preset, having Primary Mouse button bound to both "Use Selected Action" and "Fire". This would allow to you to fire any weapon normally as long as your action menu was not open with an option. However, in the few most recent dev builds, the primary mouse button will no longer fire any weapon, even with the action menu hidden or it not having any options. If you have options in your action menu, it will then function as the "Use default action" bind did previously, and activate the most relevant one.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Bind Primary Mouse button to both "Fire" and "Use Selected Action"
  2. Attempt to fire any weapon
  3. Attempt to activate an option while the action menu is closed.
Additional Information

I personally consider this to be a big hamper to my gameplay, however, this may have been a purposeful change. As such, I have listed it as Minor Severity.

This issue now persists to the Main Branch.

Event Timeline

Slowrider8 renamed this task from Two keys can no longer be used at the same time with one as "Use Selected Action" (DEV Branch) to Two keys can no longer be used at the same time with one as "Use Selected Action".Dec 2 2016, 1:36 AM
Slowrider8 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)