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Alternative to getDLCs is needed
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Currently, the command "getDLCs" returns all owned DLCs from the player. Due to Arma 3's DLC philosophy, all come with the download of Arma 3, and are owned on every Arma 3 account. This means that when getDLCs is used to check for owned DLC, it always returns 288520 - Karts, 304380 - Helicopters and 332350 - Marksmen. They are returned even if the player has not purchased the DLC and cannot strictly use them in the game.

Some sort of command such as "getPurchasedDLCs" would be very helpful, as it would allow certain scripts to run based on whether the player has purchased the DLC or not (such as spawning with a DLC weapon or a base game one)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request

Event Timeline

razazel claimed this task.Jun 2 2016, 12:44 PM
razazel changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.
Slowrider8 changed Severity from None to Feature.Jul 23 2016, 5:44 PM

To expand on this; I just did some further testing of how getDLC works. It appears that getDLCs does correctly return each player's owned and unowned DLC (including marksman and helicopters) when executed globally on a server. However, there is no way to provide an additional argument to getDLCs to specify the player to getDLC of. This may be due to a lack of knowledge, but this means I cannot figure out how to get the owned DLC of each player using a loadout script (F3 framework gear script) without somehow creating a list of DLC beforehand and passing that to the gearscript.

Essentially, what I'm saying now is that while getDLCs works as intended, a change to allow specifying a specific unit would be appreciated.